Table 1. Employment and unemployment in families by race and Hispanic origin, 2006-07 annual averages

  Table 1.  Employment and unemployment in families by race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity,
  2006-07 annual averages
  (Numbers in thousands)
                              Characteristic                                2006       2007   
    Total families......................................................    77,017     77,894 
      With employed member(s)...........................................    63,492     64,330 
            As percent of total families................................      82.4       82.6 
               Some usually work full time (1)..........................    58,918     59,616 
      With no employed member ..........................................    13,525     13,564 
            As percent of total families................................      17.6       17.4 
      With unemployed member(s) ........................................     4,913      4,914 
            As percent of total families................................       6.4        6.3 
        Some member(s) employed ........................................     3,419      3,497 
               As percent of families with unemployed member(s).........      69.6       71.2 
          Some usually work full time (1)...............................     3,049      3,096 
                  As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......      62.1       63.0 
    Total families......................................................    62,977     63,667 
      With employed member(s)...........................................    52,054     52,669 
            As percent of total families................................      82.7       82.7 
               Some usually work full time (1)..........................    48,395     48,879 
      With no employed member ..........................................    10,923     10,997 
            As percent of total families................................      17.3       17.3 
      With unemployed member(s) ........................................     3,556      3,587 
            As percent of total families................................       5.6        5.6 
        Some member(s) employed ........................................     2,582      2,653 
               As percent of families with unemployed member(s).........      72.6       73.9 
          Some usually work full time (1)...............................     2,306      2,350 
                  As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......      64.8       65.5 
                        Black or African American                                             
    Total families......................................................     9,058      9,184 
      With employed member(s)...........................................     7,078      7,249 
            As percent of total families................................      78.1       78.9 
               Some usually work full time (1)..........................     6,437      6,608 
      With no employed member ..........................................     1,980      1,935 
            As percent of total families................................      21.9       21.1 
      With unemployed member(s) ........................................     1,036        990 
            As percent of total families................................      11.4       10.8 
        Some member(s) employed ........................................       596        591 
               As percent of families with unemployed member(s).........      57.6       59.7 
          Some usually work full time (1)...............................       526        519 
                  As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......      50.8       52.4 
    Total families......................................................     3,251      3,320 
      With employed member(s)...........................................     2,924      2,974 
            As percent of total families................................      89.9       89.6 
               Some usually work full time (1)..........................     2,772      2,818 
      With no employed member ..........................................       327        347 
            As percent of total families................................      10.1       10.4 
      With unemployed member(s) ........................................       171        179 
            As percent of total families................................       5.2        5.4 
        Some member(s) employed ........................................       137        144 
               As percent of families with unemployed member(s).........      80.4       80.5 
          Some usually work full time (1)...............................       123        133 
                  As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......      72.2       74.4 
                      Hispanic or Latino ethnicity                                            
    Total families......................................................     9,905     10,332 
      With employed member(s)...........................................     8,641      9,048 
            As percent of total families................................      87.2       87.6 
               Some usually work full time (1)..........................     8,129      8,492 
      With no employed member ..........................................     1,264      1,285 
            As percent of total families................................      12.8       12.4 
      With unemployed member(s) ........................................       793        876 
            As percent of total families................................       8.0        8.5 
        Some member(s) employed ........................................       544        619 
               As percent of families with unemployed member(s).........      68.6       70.6 
          Some usually work full time (1)...............................       491        554 
                  As percent of families with unemployed member(s)......      61.9       63.2 
     1 Usually work 35 hours or more a week at all jobs.
     NOTE:  The race or ethnicity of the family is determined by that of the householder.
  Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not
  sum to totals because data are not presented for all races.  Persons whose ethnicity is
  identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race.  Updated population controls are
  introduced annually with the release of January data.

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Last Modified Date: May 30, 2008