First Disaster Checks Issued for Housing Help 

Release Date: August 21, 2001
Release Number: 1389-06

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Washington, DC -- Five days after the disaster declaration, the first emergency housing checks have been issued to disaster-affected District of Columbia residents by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

More than $500,000 has been sent to residents with homes affected by the August 10-12 storms. These checks go to individuals whose homes suffered serious damages not covered by insurance.

"We are happy that money has hit the street so early in the recovery process," said Peter G. LaPorte, District Coordinating Officer. "Getting people into safe and sanitary living quarters is important so that they can begin focusing on cleaning up and repairing their homes."

Since President Bush declared the District a major disaster area on August 16, more than 2000 individuals and businesses have registered for various disaster assistance programs.

"In the weeks ahead, we will continue to work with our District, local and volunteer partners to help address the needs of residents affected by the disaster," said Federal Coordinating Officer Tom Davies.

The disaster housing program can provide grants to homeowners to make minor but necessary repairs for disaster-related damages. Grants for temporary rental assistance may also be available for both homeowners and renters. FEMA's disaster assistance covers basic needs only and will not normally compensate individuals for their entire loss. If an individual has insurance, the government may help pay for basic needs not covered under their insurance policy.

Individuals who have suffered losses and have not yet registered for disaster assistance may call FEMA's toll-free number at 1-800-462-9029 (TTY 1-800-462-7585).

Last Modified: Thursday, 09-Oct-2003 12:54:06