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May 7, 2009
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
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  May 12, 2009
Clean Air Partners’ Annual Membership Meeting
  May 12, 2009
COG Board of Directors
  May 13, 2009
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Visit COG’s Online Regional Information Center for latest news and updates on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
May 15, 2009 – Register for Bike to Work Day 2009 and join thousands of area commuters for a celebration of bicycling as a clean, fun and healthy way to get to work!
Greater Washington 2050 is an initiative to improve the quality of life for area residents in the next half century by promoting regional awareness, leadership and action today.
May 20, 2009 - Co-Morbidity in ADHD and Bipolar Illness training event for people working with patients dealing with mental health and substance abuse disorders.
Applications are now being accepted for the FY 2010 round of technical assistance under the TPB's Transportation/Land-Use Connections Program.
Air Quality - View the daily air quality forecast and index report.
Wednesday's Child is a public-private partnership between NBC4, the Freddie Mac Foundation, and COG. Click here to learn more about adoption.
National Capital Region (NCR) Homeland Security Program Section. Find committees and documents related to regional programs, as well as a Homeland Security Events Calendar.
Sharon Bulova and Dave Roberston Discuss Greater Washington 2050

Watch a video clip of the Fairfax County Chairman and COG Executive Director on NewsChannel8's NewsTalk discussing a new survey of the region's residents.

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Quality Schools, Safe Streets, Good Jobs, Health Care Are Top Priorities For Region’s Residents
Greater Washington 2050 survey, Priorities for a Growing Region, also finds that views on traffic vary widely throughout the region.
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Information, Updates on the H1N1 Flu
Latest updates on the H1N1 Flu from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
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Metropolitan Washington Strives for ‘Complete Count’ in 2010 United States Census
Regional event highlights importance of accurate Census data for growing, diverse region.
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Commuter Connections Adds Events Ride-Matching to Online System
The goals of the program include improving access to area entertainment and sports venues and reducing congestion.
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COG, Area Urban Foresters Contribute to USDA's New People's Garden Project
COG, U.S. Forest Service, and region's urban foresters have been working together to make use of urban wood from local trees felled by storms and routine maintenance. 
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COG In The News
A brief listing of recent COG activities as reported by various news agencies.
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Site Search by Google
COG Annual Report 2008/Regional Directory 2009
2007 State of the Commute Survey Report from the Metropolitan Washington Region
The Region
National Capital Region: Best Practices and Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
National Capital Region Climate Change Report
Housing & Planning
Priorities for a Growing Region: Greater Washington 2050 Survey of Area Residents
Foreclosures in the Washington DC Region
Health & Human Services
Childhood Obesity: 2008 Survey of the National Capital Region
Homeland Security & Public Safety
Report on Crime and Crime Control: 2007 Summary
Regional Map

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