Richard K. Schroeder, CFP 1325 Millersport Highway, Suite 208 Williamsville, NY 14221 716-634-6113 6/5/00 Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to make some brief comments on the rules proposed in Release No. IA-1862. I applaud the Commission for helping consumers and registered investment advisers move into the modern Internet age. I believe putting ADV materials on the Internet for all to see will greatly benefit consumers. All too often I see prospective clients who are surprised to be handed my New York State ADV, because they had interviewed other investment advisers and received no disclosures. I find one portion of the proposal troubling. That is the proposal that annual ADV filings be mailed to all clients, and that interim changes in the ADV are also cause for a mass mailing to clients. I believe this will be a burdensome rule for several reasons: 1. The time and cost of mass mailings of heavy documents are a burdensome cost to businesses. 2. I don't believe existing clients want the extra paperwork. I have had only three requests for updated ADVs from clients in my six years in business. Many clients ask me how to cut down on paperwork. They tell me they throw out updated prospectuses, annual mutual fund reports, and corporate reports without reading them. I spend a lot of time encouraging them to read complicated paperwork. 3. In an Internet age, why should we add the new environmental cost of duplicating thousands of pages of material? Is it possible to amend this rule to allow transmission of the updated prospectus via e-mail and/or postings on adviser's web sites? It seems to make sense to allow electronic transmission given that the overall tenor of the Commission's proposal is to make better use of the new electronic means of communication open to consumers and advisers. Thank you for your attention. Richard Schroeder, CFP