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Crime Watch program

We need your help to keep energy flowing and electricity prices low.

What Western does

Western is a Federal power marketing agency providing consumers with power indirectly. We deliver bulk wholesale transmission to local utilities. Your electric company gets power from wholesale suppliers such as Western and delivers it to consumers. Western’s employees work around the clock to keep power moving through the interconnected transmission system so that electricity ultimately reaches your home or business.

To keep this power flowing, we have more than 16,000 miles of transmission lines and 255 substations across the West and central United States. Our facilities are usually in fairly secluded areas, making them vulnerable to vandalism and theft. That’s why we need your help.

To report a crime, call toll-free 1-800-209-8962 or fill out our online form.

Western Area Power Administration
P.O. Box 281213
Lakewood, CO 80228-1213
(720) 962-7297
Fax (720) 962-7300