Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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USADF provides direct support to community organizations and enterprises that benefit under served and marginalized communities in Africa.

What Does USADF Do?

The United States African Development Foundation provides grants of up to $250,000 in grants to community groups and small enterprises that benefit under served and marginalized groups in Africa.  Marginalized groups are people that have significant needs that are not being currently addressed by existing governments programs, NGOs, or other international development efforts. USADF measures grant success in terms of jobs created and sustained, increased incomes levels, and improved social conditions.  In 2009 USADF has budgeted over $20 million for project grants in 20 countries. An additional $4 million is budgeted for African directed partner organizations that provide design and implementation support for USADF grantees.

The African Development Foundation Act of 1980  (“the ADF Act”) established a new agency with a unique mission to by-pass layers of government inefficiencies by working directly with the most needy communities in Africa.  USADF programs respond to local project requests by actively engage the local community group or enterprise in the design and implementation of the projects. This ensures that outcomes will best address the real community needs.

USADF’s unique mission is captured in its core operating principles:

 (1) USADF targets marginalized communities and groups across Africa.
 (2) USADF works directly at the grass roots level to ensure the highest          levels of local input into projects.
 (3) USADF emphasizes economically viable projects that provide lasting
 (4) USADF supports African managed and led field operations.
 (5) USADF limits overhead to maximize the amount of program funding.

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