International Response Team (IRT)

An offshoot of the concept behind the NRT, the IRT is the result of an agreement with the U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service. The agreement originally provided for ATF's investigative assistance at select fire and postblast scenes on U.S. property where the Diplomatic Security Service has investigative responsibility. The agreement has since been expanded to allow ATF to provide technical/forensic assistance and oversight in arson and explosives investigations to foreign governments on foreign territory. Such requests for assistance are relayed through the Department of State after receiving authorization from the U.S. ambassador of the affected country.


The IRT is comprised of four supervisory special agents, a cadre of fire origin-and-cause specialists, and explosives specialists having postblast expertise. These individuals are supplemented by a number of explosives technology experts and forensic chemists.


The IRT has traveled abroad to foreign countries to assist in working explosives and fire incidents. These incidents have involved large-vehicle bombings; improvised explosive devices never before seen; and a bombing attack that destroyed the Israeli Embassy; and a bombing attack that destroyed the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Assistance Organization. The IRT has responded to other incidents to provide technical support in the disassembly of improvised explosive devices, and large-scale fires that resulted in multiple loss of life, injuries, and/or property loss estimated in the millions of dollars.


Inquiries about the IRT may be directed to the Chief, Arson and Explosives Enforcement Branch, at 202-648-7100.