
    Basic Energy Sciences (BES) is one of the Nation's largest sponsors of research in the natural sciences, and it is uniquely responsible for supporting fundamental research in materials sciences, chemistry, geosciences, and aspects of biosciences impacting energy resources, production, conversion, efficiency, and the mitigation of the adverse impacts of energy production and use.

    The BES program also supports world-class scientific user facilities, providing outstanding capabilities for imaging and characterizing materials of all kinds from metals, alloys, and ceramics to fragile biological samples. Annually, thousands of researchers from universities, national laboratories, and industrial laboratories perform experiments at these facilities. Spurred by results of past investments and by innovations in accelerator concepts, the BES program continues its pioneering role in the development of new generations of scientific research instruments and facilities.

    To ensure that the most scientifically promising research and research tools are supported, the BES program engages in long-range planning and prioritization; regular external, independent review of the supported research to ensure quality and relevance; and evaluation of program performance through establishment and subsequent measurement against goals and objectives. These activities rely heavily on input from external sources including workshops and meetings of the scientific community, advice from the federally chartered Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC), Interagency Working Groups, and reports from other groups such as the National Academy of Sciences.


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