Keep Flood Repair Records And Receipts 

Release Date: May 19, 2001
Release Number: 1369-05

» More Information on Wisconsin Flooding

La Crosse, WI -- Every homeowner knows good record keeping is important. The same applies when it comes to repairs after floods, especially when those repairs are paid for with disaster loans or grants.

"Be careful to document what you've paid out and keep all receipts," Tom Davies said today. Davies heads the federal side of the Wisconsin disaster recovery effort in his role as federal coordinating officer. "People need to use these funds for disaster--caused necessary expenses and serious needs," Davies added.

Davies cautioned that those who receive temporary--housing or repair checks and do not use the money for the designated purpose will have to repay the money later.

"Good record keeping avoids misunderstandings as well as problems with insurance carriers, said Al Shanks, of Wisconsin Emergency Management. Shanks is state coordinator of the disaster effort.

The key is using disaster--assistance funds for the purpose intended, and keeping records to show how the money was spent. "The people who have problems later often are the ones who didn't keep their receipts," Shanks said.

Last Modified: Monday, 27-Oct-2003 09:22:33