It's Hoosier Winter Storm Preparedness Week 

Keep it a winter wonderland - prepare

Release Date: November 19, 2008
Release Number: 1795-045

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INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. -- For many, a winter storm summons thoughts of time off from school or work to spend a cozy day at home reading a book or watching television, drinking hot chocolate or making a snowman. But if you're not prepared, a winter storm could replace idyllic plans with a life- threatening disaster. State and federal officials remind Hoosiers during this week of Winter Storm Preparedness to finalize their plans to meet the challenges of a potential winter storm emergency.

Winter storm dangers can be deceiving.

The National Weather Service refers to winter storms as the “Deceptive Killers” because most deaths are indirectly related to the storm – in traffic accidents on icy roads and of hypothermia from prolonged exposure to cold.

To stay safe from these potential deceptive killers during the approaching months, prepare a disaster supplies kit and a family communications plan; know how to prepare your home against the cold; learn what winter storm watches and warnings mean and, if stranded in your car away from home, know what steps to take.

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency offer some specifics on winter storm preparedness.

Winter storms can arrive before the official beginning of winter – this year it's Dec. 21; prepare now. Additional tips for winter storm, and year-round disaster preparedness can be found at the Indiana Department of Homeland Security's web site, , at , and at .

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror. 

Last Modified: Wednesday, 19-Nov-2008 14:28:04