BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

France Local time: 05:23 AM

Travel and Tourism - Best Prospect 2009

The United States remains one of the top choices among long-haul destinations for French travelers.  France ranks third among European markets, after the United Kingdom and Germany, and sixth in the world after Canada, Mexico, Japan, the U.K., and Germany as an overseas source of income for the tourism industry in the U. S. 

Best Prospects/Services      

All major actors in the travel & tourism industry indicated good growth prospects for the French market in 2008, estimating an average of 28 percent more sales revenu for French travelers to the U.S. The French market is really optimistic for 2009 especially with the opening of a serie of non-stop flights between France and the United States.


California, the U.S. National Parks, New York and Florida remain the favorite destinations.  Increasingly, other regions like the Southwest and Mountain States are becoming popular, particularly with second or third-time visitors.  The French are very individualistic in their travel behavior.  The average length of stay is approximately 2 weeks. Visitor spending in the U.S. amounts to approximately USD 76 per day per person.  Following the closing of the U.S.T.T.A in 1996, the Commercial Service office in Paris has supported the establishment of the Visit USA Committee France, a private industry association aimed at promoting the United States as a travel and tourism destination.


Visit USA Committee France:

Embassy U.S. Commercial Service Trade Specialist:
Phone: (33-1) 43 12 70 77 - Website:

TIA (Travel Industry Association) is the major travel association in the U.S:

OTTI (Office of Travel & Tourism Industries) is the primary souce of international travel statistics in the United States:

For data tables and additional information corresponding to this prospect please contact

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