From: Rick Desjarlais
Sent: April 16, 2006
Subject: File No. S7-03-06

Securities and Exchange Commission

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

My name is Rick Desjarlais and I agree with the nice letter below. Corperations and the greed of CEO's all need to be curtailed. Did we not learn from Enron, Global Crossing, MCI, and the list goes on and on. SEC you are the ones that can draw the line in the sand. The American people will not tolerate much more. American workers build this great country and the greedy CEOs have no loyalty and will bring these United States to her knees and not show a bit remorse. CEO lie, cheat,and rob from every American. They are the true terrorist on American soil. Be aware this nicely written letter below is the tip of the American anger, please heed this nice letter. I fear Corperate America and the big CEO's time may be limited. If 300 million people push back in the market place there will be hell to pay.
I do not want to live in a third world country so please grow some backbone and protect the important Americans not the rich Americans.
I am writing to urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to act on its proposed rule making on executive compensation disclosure. Too often executives are richly rewarded even when their companies' performance is below par. Without better disclosure, shareholders, employees and the general public cannot evaluate whether executive pay packages are unjustly enriching executives at shareholder cost or providing fair compensation.

The newly proposed rules will make this crucial information more accessible to shareholders and the public. The new requirements to disclose total compensation figures, pensions and detailed compensation breakdowns will make it clear exactly how much top executives are earning and why.

I believe that CEO pay should be set by independent directors.
Under the proposed rule, a director could secretly do $120,000 in business with a company, an amount that is more than four times the average worker's annual pay of $27,460. Shareholders should be told if directors have potential conflicts of interest, no matter what the amount.

I also urge the SEC to require that companies disclose pay-for-performance data. In order for investors to understand how pay and performance match up, companies need to explain more clearly what level of performance is necessary for a particular level of pay. I urge the SEC to require companies to disclose both the performance criteria and the performance targets they use when setting executive pay.


Rick Desjarlais
203 Cedar Trail
Dublin, Georgia 31021