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Research Project: Genetics, Genetic Resource Evaluation, and Genetic Improvement of Landscape Trees and Shrubs

Location: Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit

Project Number: 1230-21000-051-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: Jul 22, 2008
End Date: Jul 21, 2013

The overall objective of this project is to breed, evaluate, select, and release improved landscape trees and shrubs that are disease and pest resistant, tolerant of environmental stresses, are not invasive, and have superior ornamental value. This objective is achieved by genetically characterizing and evaluating the horticultural merit and stress resistance contained in germplasm and advanced selections of Cercis, Lagerstroemia, and Prunus (primary genera), as well as historical or exploratory genera such as Corylopsis, Deutzia, Ilex, Gaylussacia, Syringa, and Viburnum (secondary genera); developing new or improved genetic marker systems for assessing genetic diversity and accelerating genetic improvement of these genera; incorporating improved disease and stress resistance and ornamental traits into this germplasm using traditional and new breeding methodologies; and transferring superior landscape plant cultivars and germplasm to end users. This research will result in new cultivars of landscape trees and shrubs that have value to the nursery and landscape industries; germplasm that has been evaluated or enhanced for various traits; and technology on molecular markers, gene manipulation, and wide hybridization.

Conduct comprehensive breeding programs by genetically characterizing and evaluating the horticultural merit and stress resistance contained in germplasm and advanced selections of Cercis, Lagerstroemia, and Prunus (primary genera), as well as historical or exploratory genera such as Corylopsis, Deutzia, Ilex, Gaylussacia, Syringa, and Viburnum (secondary genera); developing new or improved genetic marker systems for assessing genetic diversity and accelerating genetic improvement of these genera; incorporating improved disease and stress resistance and ornamental traits into this germplasm using traditional and new breeding methodologies; and transferring superior landscape plant cultivars and germplasm to end users.


Project Team
Pooler, Margaret
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  Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (301)
  Crop Protection & Quarantine (304)
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   Developing Non-Invasive Nursery Crops
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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