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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Variability in Phytophthora Capsici Strains Isolated from Cucurbits and Watermelons in the Southeast U.S.

Location: Charleston, South Carolina

2007 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
To determine if variability exists among strains of Phytophthora capsici isolated from cucurbits and watermelons in the southeast U.S.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
A large collection of isolates of P. capsici isolated from various cucurbit species and watermelons in the southeast U.S. is being maintained by Dr. P. Roberts and others at SWFERC, Immokalee. Many new isolates are added to this collection routinely. DNA will be extracted from select isolates using standard procedures. DNA will be analyzed by using AFLP, micro- satellite, and other marker technologies at the U.S. Vegetable laboratory in Charleston, SC to assess the existence of variability among the isolates. Knowledge of variability among isolates will help us develop better disease management strategies.

3.Progress Report
This report documents research conducted under subordinate project no. 6659-22000-020-04, a non-funded cooperative agreement between ARS and University of Florida. Additional details of the research can be found in the report for the in-house project 6659-22000-020-00, Variability in Phytophthora Capsici Strains Isolated from Cucurbits and Watermelons in the Southeast U.S. University of Florida cooperators extracted total DNA from 25 selected isolates of P. capsici isolated from watermelon and other vegetable crops in Florida. The DNA samples were sent to the USDA ARS Laboratory in Charleston for further analysis. This project was monitored through telephone calls and site visits to the University of Florida. The project participants also met to discuss the project research at two professional scientific society meetings held in March and July 2007.


5.Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations

6.Technology Transfer


Project Team
Kousik, Chandrasekar - Shaker
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
Related National Programs
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Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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