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Marilia Matos 



Marilia Matos was elected Director, Human Resources in 2005. Prior to this appointment, Ms. Matos was the Chief Human Capital Officer for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). At the NIST, she was responsible for policy matters related to NIST human resources, civil rights and diversity, organization and management, leadership and employee development and safety, health and environment.


From 1999 – 2004, Ms. Matos served as Deputy Director for Management Services, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In this capacity, she was responsible for policy matters related to NIST public relations/outreach, human resources, organization management, procurement, grants and workforce diversity.


Between 1994 – 1998, Ms. Matos was the Chief of the Human Resources Division, Bureau of Census and was responsible for Census human resources policies and practices nationwide. Census permanent employment population was 10,000, located in 12 regional offices, a processing center in Jeffersonville, Indiana and headquarters in Suitland. Ms. Matos managed a budget of $14 million and 190 employees in the division. The safety, EAP, and occupational health programs were among the additional responsibilities of Ms. Matos.


Ms. Matos has also served as, Chief, Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Bureau of Census, Personnel Specialist, Personnel Division, Bureau of Census, Decennial District Manager in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Personnel Specialist, College Relation Office, Personnel Division and Bureau of Census.


Ms. Matos graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a Masters in Public Administration and from University of Puerto Rico with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. 

Professional Affiliations include,


·         1996 Member, Senior Executive Service

·         Recognition: (among other awards)

·         Hammer Award for Redesigning Hiring Process

·         Department of Commerce Silver Medal

·         Unusually Outstanding Performance Award

·         Department of Commerce Bronze Medal





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