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ANSS - Advanced National Seismic System

California Region


The mission of the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) is to operate a reliable, modern, statewide system for earthquake monitoring, research, archiving, and distribution of information for the benefit of public safety, emergency response, and loss mitigation. Further, the CISN seeks to mitigate the impact of future earthquakes by collecting, processing, and disseminating critical earthquake information in a timely way.


Earthquake Response Products

Regional Earthquake Locations
Southern California (urban) : M1.8
Northern California (urban) : M1.8
State-Wide: M2.2
Magnitudes: Md, Ml, Mw
Moment Tensor Solutions: M3.5
ShakeMap: State-wide
Community Internet Intensity Maps
Email and pager notification
Recent Earthquakes Pages
Event waveform images and record sections
First-motion and moment tensor mechanisms
Probability statements for M>5 quakes
Detailed Seismicity Maps
Active fault maps
Data Centers
( Northern California Earthquke Data Center, Southern California Earthquake Data Center, IRIS, and Earthquake Data Center )
Continuous and event waveforms
Waveform metadata
Historical phase data
Historical hypocenter information
Historical first-motion and moment tensor solutions
Customized maps of seismicity
Earthquake engineering reports

General Informational Products

Earthquake Catalog Searches
Earthquake Email Subscription and Notification
Moment Tensor Email Subscription and Notification

General Informational Products

Earthquake Catalog Searches

Contact Info

Northern California

  • USGS Menlo Park Science Center
    345 Middlefield Rd. MS-977
    Menlo Park, CA 94025

    Phone: (650) 329-4668 or (800) 329-4085
  • California Geological Survey
    801 K Street MS-12-3
    Sacramento, CA 95814-3531

    Phone: (914) 445-1825

  • Berkeley Seismological Lab
    215 McCone Hall, UC Berkeley
    Berkeley, CA 94720-4760
    Phone: (510) 642-3977

Southern California

  • USGS Pasadena Field Office
    525 S. Wilson Ave.
    Pasadena, CA 91106

    Phone: (626) 583-7811

  • Caltech Media Relations
    315 Hill St.
    Pasadena, CA 91106

    Phone: (626) 395-3227

  • Caltech Seismological Lab
    MS 252-21
    Pasadena, CA 91125

  • OES Earthquake Program
    Governor's Office of Emergency Services
    724 Mandana Boulevard
    Oakland, California 94610-2421

  • Governor's Office of Emergency Services
    1200 East California Blvd., MC 252-21
    Pasadena, CA 91125

CISN Stations

Map Key

Region Partners

Caltech Seismological Laboratory Logo    CISN Logo    Berkeley Seismological Lab Logo

CISN - California Integrated Seismic Network
Earthquake Hazards Program - Northern California
California Geological Survey
Earthquake Hazards Program - Southern California
Caltech Media Relations