Gross-Domestic-Product-by-Industry Accounts Help

Custom Data Selection

This feature will allow you to select one or more rows (industries), columns (years), and which format you would like to view data. 

GDP by Industry data is available in three formats:

1.       Displayed in an HTML-formatted table (best for viewing on the screen or for printing)

2.       Downloaded in a comma- and quote-delimited ("CSV") format (best for importing into a spreadsheet or database application)

3.       Displayed in a Java applet with locking stubs and graphing capability.


Download Instructions

This table has been created specifically for you. A few seconds after you click on "Download File" your browser should ask you if you want to open the file or save it, do not open it. Select save file and enter an appropriate file name. Use the .CSV extension to enable automatic handling of the file in your spreadsheet.

The whole idea of a CSV file is to save the data in a format which can be read by an Excel spreadsheet.  If yours is not a typical setup or if you use another spreadsheet you may have to experiment some to find the best method. When you get it right the titles, row and column headings and data will all be in separate cells just as you would expect.


Using the Enhanced Table Viewer (Java)   
The Enhanced Table Viewer is a Java Applet which runs on your computer in your browser. It holds the row and column headings on screen as you browser through a table. It also allows you to display rows which you have selected and hide the other rows from view. In addition you can select rows using a checkbox and then graph up to 5 at a time. Or, you can graph all rows, 5 at a time.

In order to use the viewer your browser must support Java and Java must be enabled. All recent versions of Netscape, Internet Explorer and Opera support Java. In addition to supporting Java the security setting on your browser must be set to enable Java.

Data Selection The check boxes on the left side of the table enable you to select specific lines in the table. The selected lines can the be graphed, see Graphing in the Enhanced Table Viewer below, or they can be displayed by themselves by clicking on the View Selections button. Note that the parents of all indented selections are shown even if they are not selected themselves.

Graphing in the Enhanced Table Viewer - You can use one of two methods to graph data, Graph All and Graph 5 Selections.

Graph All will graph all of the data, in groups of five time series. Clicking on the Graph All button will cause the first five time series to be graphed. Once the graph is displayed the Graph All button label changes to Next 5. Clicking the Next 5 button will then graph the next five time series. This will go on until the end of the table is reached when it will start with the first 5 again.

Graph 5 Selections really means graph no more than the first 5 selections, but that won't fit on a button. When this button is clicked the first 5 selected, checked, time series will be graphed.

Graph Types Some tables allow four type of graphing:

·  Actual - Graph the actual values.

·  Normalized - Graph the data normalized to 100 for the first point. Obtained by dividing each number in the series by the first number in the series and then multiplying by 100. This is useful for comparing the trends of different time series.

·  Change - Graphs the change from one period to the next. Obtained by subtracting value(i - 1) from value(i) starting with i = 2.

·  % Change - Graph the change from one period to the next as a percentage. Obtained by subtracting value(i - 1) from value(i) and then dividing that quantity by value(i-1) and finally multiplying by 100.

Last updated: Friday, May 08, 2009