BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Chiffres Clefs - Statistiques

Tradde Stats

L'Industrie Américaine - Chiffres Clefs par secteurs:
Source US Department of Commerce

Balance des Paiements desEtats-Unis avec la France:
Source US Department of Commerce

The World Trade Atlas® gives you the information you need to use international trade data as a valuable research and marketing tool. 40-plus different editions of the World Trade Atlas® are presently available. Each edition utiltizes the official trade data of a different country.
GTI wording in French on the Global Trade Atlas and World Trade Atlas.

The Global Trade Information Services Inc.'s World Trade Atlas®. You may visit their website at

Investissements Etrangers aux Etats-Unis
Investissements Américains à l'étranger, par pays
Source Survey of Current business

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