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May 8, 2009   
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Dislocated workers consult with One-Stop Center professionals to identify the range of their interests and skills and to review their training options.

Photo: Michael Carpenter
Dislocated workers consult with One-Stop Center professionals to identify the range of their interests and skills and to review their training options.

Strategic Goal 2
Secure Workforce
Promote the Economic Security of Workers and Families

DOL is committed to promoting the economic security of workers and their families by protecting workers' hours,wages, and other job conditions; providing unemployment compensation and other benefits when workers are unable to work; and expanding, enhancing, and protecting pension, health care, and other benefits. Priorities are to increase compliance with minimum wage and overtime requirements; promote secure retirements for working Americans; provide more pensions for women and employees of small businesses; broaden access to health care; and shorten periods of unemployment in those areas suffering from rapid economic change.

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