Final Rule:
Disclosure of Equity Compensation Plan Information

[Release Nos. 33-8048, 34-45189; File No. S7-04-01]

Supplementary Material:
Table of Burden Hour Estimates

  Filings/year Estimated burden hours/filing Estimated burden hours/year
Form Estimated filings/year (A) Estimated filings subject to tabular disclosure (B) Estimated filings subject to tabular and narrative disclosure (C) Before amendments (D) Adjusted for tabular disclosure (E)98 Adjusted for tabular and narrative disclosure (F)99 Before amendments (G) =
(A) × (D)
After amendments (H) =
(B) × (E) +
(C) × (F)
10-K 10,381 3,907100 977101 430 430.4 430.6 4,463,830 4,469,691
10-KSB 3,641 1,371102 343103 294 294.4 294.6 1,070,454 1,072,511
14A 9,892 1,423104 356105 18.2 18.3 18.4 179,966 182,101
14C 253 30106 7107 18.1 18.2 18.3 4,582 4,626
Total -- -- -- -- -- -- 5,718,832 5,728,929

Return to Final Rule: Disclosure of Equity Compensation Plan Information *

Modified: 12/26/2001