BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Slovakia Local time: 06:37 AM

Screened / Unscreened Contact Lists

Upon request we can provide you with a list of Slovak companies and organizations, either screened or unscreened, that a U.S. company can contact directly. A screened list of up to 10 Slovak companies and organizations has been reviewed carefully by our office and contains company name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address (when available), contact person and a brief description of the firm. An unscreened list of up to 20 Slovak companies and organizations is taken directly from our database and contains company name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address (when available). We cannot guarantee that companies or organizations will respond to your requests nor have we been in contact with them about your company's services or products. If you want to pursue a relationship with one or more of these contacts, please let us know and we will recommend one of our customized services that will meet your specific needs.

Please refer to the User Fee Schedule

Screened: 10 business days; Unscreened: 5 business days

For more information please contact: Marian Volent or please fill in the pre-registration form.