Subject: File No. S7-08-08
From: Ronney L. Haynes

May 19, 2008

naked shorting is the same as counterfeiting currency, but the stocks are counterfeited to the damage of the company, and the individual stock owner. If the naked shorting by brokers and dealers is not stopped the confidence in the U.S. economic system will go to zero. The SEC has all of the laws necessary to enforce the rules. The SEC should enforce the rules. The SEC should prosecute the companies and individuals who counterfeit stock certificates.

If the SEC does not stop this systems of counterfeit stock they should be held accountable.

Nake shorting is damaging hundreds of companies and thousands of stockholders, me being one.

The SEC should make the brokers, dealers and individuals pay up for their crimes and go to jail.

It is the SEC problem and it needs to be solved.