Subject: File No. S7-08-08
From: William Barret

May 16, 2008

I am underwhelmed by the SEC's lack of interest in enforcing share delivery rules. The FDT reg sho list has all the scarniess to naked short traders as an old grocery list discarded in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

It is apparent to me that for many years the SEC has been a mostly silent partner in this fraud against honest shareholders.

A congressional investigation of the SEC Leadership is called for. The barn has been on fire for a long time and the SEC knows it. You watch the barn burn yet you don't bring water to put down fire. It appears only now the SEC is CONSIDERING bringing a garden hose to the barn.

You want some public comments? How about this one: If the SEC is not going to do its job perhaps Congress can get involved and help you.