Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Tony Ryals

December 12, 2007

JAGH,BUYINS.NET'S 'Naked Short Software',Cryptometrics,N.Z Passports
By 'naked short claim' fraud,new zealand passport business on 12/10/2007 4:11:50 PM

The convicted'securities' scamster Thomas Ronk's supposed
'naked short selling detecting software is a fraud and he knows it.How can he tell when one of the many insiders are manipulating the worthless companies shares that he promotes as supposed victims of 'naked short selling' or counterfeitting, are buying or selling or pumping or dumping or 'shorting and distorting' their own worthless shares ? And yet Rupert Murdoch's boy reporter Roddy Boyd claimed his software did indeed predict naked shorting andf made sure readers knew where to get the worthless software in his NY Post article-promotion of Thomas
Ronk's He,Boyd works hand in hand with Steve Forbes' boy journalist Gary Weiss in misinforming readers
and even government officials who might brlieve their lies and half truths.But of course their bosses Steve Forbes' and Rupert Murdoch's interests are tied at the hip so why should their boy
con artist 'business reporters' lies and half truths not parrot their party line ?

And just who are these masked men who have used the New Zealand passport office and worthless U.S. penny stocks for international fraud and probable money laundering - besides Gary Valinoti and David Patch ? And why do these securities and thus 'biometrics professionals' at Cryptometrics hide behind the ongoing penny stock shell company involved in a major scam called called 'Bermuda Shorts' a few years ago if they are indeed a 'professional' biometrics software company ? I dare say they are crooks and someone(s)within the New Zealand passport office itself should be queried about just who let that riff raf into the New Zealand(government)passport business.If Gary Valinotti's criminal penny stock activities and those involved with him,that may include James Dale Davidson (who has connections to both New Zealand and the Lord William Rees-Mogg as well as inumerable penny stock scams of his own),are not known to Cryptometrics executives then they should certainly not be in the N.Z.passport office biometrics bussiness or any other passport office anywhere in the world.

Some of those involved with Jag Media Holdings and thus its Cryptometrics pump and dump and probable money laundering scheme must have contacts at high levles the the U.S. government to have been allowed to carry out their frud for so long.In many ways what's happening now at the New Zealand passport office is every bit as serious as Israeli spys getting New Zealand passports which was a scandal a few years ago.

The people running Cryptometrics-Jag Media Holdings scam claim
(fraudulently on the internet that their worthless shares sre 'naked shorted' or counterfeitted when in truth they manipulalate and orchestrate illegal 'pump and dump' frauds with insider manipulartion and promotion of their shares.So someone(S) at the New Zealand passport office ARE aiding an illegal pump and dump of a worthless U.S. penny stock scam by
sitting silent as these frauds use the N.Z. passport office for fraud

Even Steve Forbes' has aided in promoting and writing about Cryptometrics while failing to mention that it is part of the Jag Media Holdings and should be investigated for a fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim.Forbes' 'expert' on the 'naked short selling' scam,Gary Weiss,also misinforms on his website and selectively covers the scam while confusing readers purposefully But of course Gary Weiss is employed vy Steve Forbes and covering up for James Dale Davidson of the far right National Taxpayers Union as well as for Agora Inc. an ongoing penny stock and 'securities' protion operation that should be pulled from the internet.There is reason to believe the supposed legit professional investigative business journalist(BusinessWeek and now Forbes),Gary Weiss,has also wormed his way into Wikipedia using aliases or editors inside Wikipedia working for him for whatever reason and censors all mention of James Dale Davidson's connections to the ongoing criminal penny stock fraud that claims 'naked shorting' or share couterfeitting is rampant when in truth the insiders are defrauding investors of everything

The ragingbull touter or cheerleader of this fraud whose alias is wowtheking is of course not just an 'investor' but insider to this fraud hoping to lure suckers to buy their worthless shares.Note the press relesae he posts there.The convicted securities fraucster who runs the fraudulent naked shorting website at is Thomad Ronk who would be put in jail for frasudulently claiming his software predicts 'naked short selling' which is a lie - the worhless companies holding no wealth of products to sell are only defrauding investors and the scumbay Thomas Ronk knows it Why doesn't the U.S. SEC or Securities Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox ?:

By: wowtheking
09 Dec 2007, 01:19 PM EST
Msg. 90805 of 90821
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JAG Media Holdings, Inc. (JAGH) SqueezeTrigger Price Over The Past 5 Years is Approximately $0.61, With Potential Total Short Volume of Nearly 75 Million Shares. Approximately 2.8 million Shares Shorted at a SqueezeTrigger Price of $0.27 Since

Regulation SHO Enacted, According to BUYINS.NET Research Report

BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--JAG Media Holdings, Inc. (OTC: JAGH) announced today that BUYINS.NET,, is initiating coverage of JAG Media Holdings, Inc. after releasing the latest short sale data to January 2007. BUYINS.NET went back to April 2002 and used a proprietary algorithm to calculate the potential total short selling over nearly 5 years. The Total Volume traded in JAGH from April 2002 to January 2007 was 215,308,078 shares traded for a dollar value of $131.6 million. Using a figure provided by one of the stock exchanges (and verified by actual short selling trade data collected by BUYINS.NET) stating that short selling can account for approximately 35% of all trading in US stocks, BUYINS.NET projects the possibility that nearly 75 million shares of JAGH have been shorted in just under 5 years (215 million shares multiplied by .35 = 75 million). More recently, from February 2005 to January 2007, approximately 36.7 million total aggregate shares of JAGH have traded for a total dollar value of nearly $10 million. The total aggregate number of shares shorted in this time period is approximately 2.8 million shares. The reported Total Short Interest on December 12, 2006 was 26,342 and accounts only for reported shares shorted but not yet covered on December 12th. The JAGH SqueezeTrigger price of $0.27 is the volume weighted average short price of all short selling in JAGH. The first of several potential short squeezes began when shares of JAGH closed above $0.27. To access SqueezeTrigger Prices ahead of potential short squeezes beginning, visit

Month Total Vol. Short Vol. Avg. Price Short $ Value

February 05 262,708 20,229 $0.40 $8,142
March 1,029,493 79,271 $0.28 $22,394
April 1,500,003 115,500 $0.26 $30,319
May 758,055 58,370 $0.22 $12,550
June 260,823 20,083 $0.13 $2,567
July 333,161 25,653 $0.12 $3,143
August 1,331,054 102,491 $0.08 $8,456
September 1,343,986 103,487 $0.15 $15,264
October 1,018,248 78,405 $0.20 $15,681
November 1,839,036 141,606 $0.25 $35,401
December 2,514,215 193,595 $0.30 $57,594
January 06 2,146,745 165,299 $0.42 $69,839
February 1,184,510 91,207 $0.41 $37,167
March 1,085,884 83,613 $0.31 $25,920
April 1,517,016 116,810 $0.36 $42,344
May 1,151,986 88,703 $0.37 $32,377
June 1,632,372 125,693 $0.31 $38,638
July 1,177,599 90,675 $0.25 $22,669
August 1,854,942 142,831 $0.19 $27,252
September 1,889,727 145,509 $0.20 $29,102
October 2,108,772 162,375 $0.19 $30,445
November 4,865,577 374,649 $0.26 $97,858
December 3,620,207 278,756 $0.33 $92,686
January 07 312,165 24,037 $0.40 $9,555

Total: 36,738,284 2,828,848 $0.27 $767,362

short volume is approximated using a proprietary algorithm.
average short price is calculated using a volume weighted average short price.
short volume is the total short trade volume and does not account for covers.

About JAG Media Holdings, Inc.

JAG Media Holdings, Inc. provides financial and investment information through facsimile transmissions and a Web site. Its Web site,, consists of a subscription-based service that offers two products, the JAGNotes (Upgrade/Downgrade) Report and the Rumor Room. The JAGNotes (Upgrade/Downgrade) Report is a daily consolidated investment report that summarizes newly issued research, analyst opinions, upgrades, downgrades, and analyst coverage changes from various investment banks and brokerage houses. The Rumor Room provides rumors, which are updated throughout the day, about various stocks. The company also develops Pixaya Mobile, which delivers on-demand video/audio clips and text messages to various Java based and Symbian-based mobile phones and SurvayaCam, which consists of software programs and related hardware intended to permit field personnel to send real time video streams from the field to a central location where they can be viewed by one or more persons. In addition, JAG Media Holdings provides fax-based service for institutional subscribers. The company was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.


WWW.BUYINS.NET is a service designed to help bonafide shareholders of publicly traded US companies fight naked short selling. Naked short selling is the illegal act of short selling a stock when no affirmative determination has been made to locate shares of the stock to hypothecate in connection with the short sale. has built a proprietary database that uses Threshold list feeds from NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE to generate detailed and useful information to combat the naked short selling problem. For the first time, actual trade by trade data is available to the public that shows the attempted size, actual size, price and average value of short sales in stocks that have been shorted and naked shorted. This information is valuable in determining the precise point at which short sellers go out-of-the-money and start losing on their short and naked short trades.

BUYINS.NET has built a massive database that collects, analyzes and publishes a proprietary SqueezeTrigger for each stock that has been shorted. The SqueezeTrigger database of nearly 1,150,000,000 short sale transactions goes back to January 1, 2005 and calculates the exact price at which the Total Short Interest is short in each stock. This data was never before available prior to January 1, 2005 because the Self Regulatory Organizations (primary exchanges) guarded it aggressively. After the SEC passed Regulation SHO, exchanges were forced to allow data processors like to access the data.

The SqueezeTrigger database collects individual short trade data on over 7,000 NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stocks and general short trade data on nearly 8,000 OTCBB and PINKSHEET stocks. Each month the database grows by approximately 50,000,000 short sale transactions and provides investors with the knowledge necessary to time when to buy and sell stocks with outstanding short positions. By tracking the size and price of each months short transactions, BUYINS.NET provides institutions, traders, analysts, journalists and individual investors the exact price point where short sellers start losing money and a short squeeze can begin.

All material herein was prepared by BUYINS.NET, based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by BUYINS.NET to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. has paid $995.00 to purchase data for information provided in this report. The data service can be cancelled at any time. WallStreet7 and/or its owners or affiliates may own shares of JAGH and may profit from an increase in the share price. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. BUYINS.NET is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. BUYINS.NET will not advise as to when it decides to sell and does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market.

BUYINS.NET and SQUEEZETRIGGER are intended for use by stock market professionals. As a member, visitor, or user of any kind, you accept full responsibilities for your investment and trading actions. The contents of BUYINS.NET, including but not limited to all implied or expressed views, opinions, teachings, data, graphs, opinions, or otherwise are not predictions, warranty, or endorsements of any kind. Please seek stock market advice from the proper securities professional, or investment advisor.
By visiting BUYINS.NET or using any data or services, you agree to assume full responsibility for the decisions or actions that you undertake. BUYINS.NET, LLC, its owner(s), operators, employees, partners, affiliates, advertisers, information providers and any other associated person or entity, shall under no circumstances be held liable to the user and/or any third party for loss or damages of any kind, including but not limited to trading losses, lost trading opportunity, direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages. As a user, you agree that any damages collected shall not exceed the amount paid to BUYINS.NET and/or its owners. As a website user, you agree that any and all legal matters of any kind are to be reviewed and handled in their entirety within the State of California only. By using the services of this website, you are consenting to the terms as outlined, and forfeit all legal jurisdictions in any other State.
Past performance is not a guarantee of future outcomes. Any and all examples are hypothetical and should not be considered a guarantee or endorsement of such trading activity. BUYINS.NET does not take responsibility for problems of any kind, including but not limited to issues with operations, data accuracy or completeness, contacting issues, technical issues, and timeliness. BUYINS.NET places great integrity on the data collected and distributed. This information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. All information and data is provided "as is" without warranty or guarantee of any kind.

Please seek investment and/or trading advice, council, information or services from a securities professional. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and BUYINS.NET undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies' annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the SEC.

(Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long ST Rating- Strong Buy LT Rating- Strong Buy)