Foundation for Change
  • President Obama's weekly address

    May 2, 2009: Weekly Presidential Address

    In this weeks address the President shares the government's response to the 2009 H1N1 flu virus. He also notes that the Recovery Act passed earlier this year provides funding for community health centers, training for health care workers and nurses as well as deployment of vaccines.

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  • Welcoming Sen. Specter

    Welcoming Sen. Specter to the Democratic Party

    Senator Arlen Specter has left the Republican Party and is now a Democrat, our 59th in the Senate. Senator Specter courageously supported the President's economic recovery package -- setting politics aside to create solutions to America's problems. President Obama and the Democratic Party welcome Senator Specter and his leadership.

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GOP: 100 Days of No

While the President and Democrats in Congress have spent the first 100 days working to save or create 3.5 million jobs, provide working Americans the largest tax cut in history, extend unemployment benefits to those hit hardest by the recession, make health care more affordable, reduce our dependence on foreign sources of oil and invest in our nation's schools, the Republicans have chosen the same partisan politics that voters roundly rejected last November.

100 Days of No read more