The Library of Congress
Sailor at wheel looking awaySea Changes: A Study of a New England Industry

Examples of "Found Poetry"

The Portuguese Fishermen

We're good fishermen
No men better
He fishes because he wants to.
...the wind's my friend...
...don't never get tired...
..don't feel the cold...
If I can't feel a boat under me, I want to die.


The Good Life

Don't mind getting up early...
Coffee on the stove.
We work hard
I don't never get tired.
Friends in for supper...
A glass of ale.
..dry the codfish out on the Dunes.
..miles of it spread out.
You got be strong.
..used to be big money in it.
good life.


Yankee Food

Takes a Rhode islander to make a real chowder.
Those quahaugs were dug this mornin'.
Ready for the fried quahaug cakes----
Beat a fried oyster any day.
The sweet corn's the best we've had this summer.
Have some of this baked tautaug, son.
Put on plenty of this good thick cream.
There's plenty o'lobster and more in the pots.
Ready for pie so soon?
Got to take you to a real Rhode island clam bake soon.
Opens at one o'clock and we eat until four thirty.



Aunt Dora a wavin' and sayin' suthin'.
So-o Archy is to stay all night.
Your Ma phoned, saying you could.
Spend the eveing with us, won't you?
You young rascal!
Now tell me, as man to man, what's on yer mind?
Want to go long o'me mackereling tomorrow morning?
Come now, don't be bashful.
There's plenty o'lobster. Don't go without.
Let's sit on the porch for a spell whilst the women folks clear away.
Someone'll pass by.

Overview  |  Teacher's Guide  |  Activity Five

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Last updated 11/30/2004