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Maps, Models, and Tools for Bird Conservation Planning

Modeling Avian Abundance: Results - Black Tern

These results are available in:


Forcey, G. M., G. M. Linz, W. E. Thogmartin, and W. J. Bleier. 2007. Influence of land use and climate on wetland breeding birds in the Prairie Pothole region of Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85:421-436.

United States

Forcey, G. M.  2006.  Landscape-level influences on wetland birds in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States and Canada. Ph.D. dissertation.  Department of Biological Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA.

Modeling Avian Abundance: Results
  Avian Species-of-Concern in the Prairie Pothole (Bird Conservation Region 11)

Black Tern
Chlidonias niger

Black Tern

Black Tern Predicted Relative Abundance Map (Canada)
This map indicates predicted relative species abundance. The predicted count of any cell in the map represents the expected count if a Breeding Bird Survey route were centered on that cell.

Black Tern Predicted Relative Abundance Map (Canada)

Black Tern Predicted Relative Abundance Map (United States)
This map indicates predicted relative species abundance. The predicted count of any cell in the map represents the expected count if a Breeding Bird Survey route were centered on that cell.

Black Tern Predicted Relative Abundance Map (United States)

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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007

July 26, 2007