Questions and Answers on the CAR Instrument

Date: September 23, 2001
To: State Directors of Vocational-Technical Education
State Directors of Community, Technical and Junior Colleges
From: Ron Castaldi
Director, Division of Vocational-Technical Education
Subject: Clarification questions and answers to assist in completing the Consolidated Annual Performance, Accountability, and Financial Status Reporting (CAR) instrument

On behalf of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE), I thank those of you who offered suggestions during Phase II of the Consolidated Annual Performance, Accountability, and Financial Status Reporting (CAR) Pilot. We are writing to provide you with technical assistance in completing the CAR instrument for the State Basic Grant and Tech-Prep Grant programs under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998, P.L. 105-332 (Perkins III).

We have prepared the attached list of clarification issues that were identified and addressed in the CAR Phase II Pilot for use during the 2001 reporting period. If there are additional issues that have not been addressed, please return comments to your State Liaison. States should also continue to contact their State Liaison throughout the data collection period and ask any questions concerning the CAR instrument.

As mentioned in the attached Section II: Specific Content Issues, we encourage states to use the web-based CAR to submit their data to our office. If a state chooses not to use this option, the state may submit the OMB approved Excel forms electronically to the address referenced in question six.

We have attached the OMB approved CAR instrument, which contains the background information on how and why the CAR was developed and a set of definitions for completing the forms. Because we are awaiting OMB approval, the Financial Status Report (FSR) form is stamped DRAFT. The web address for the CAR is not yet available, but we will share this information by mid-October.

I want to thank you for your continued support of Vocational Education. I look forward to continued collaboration on ways to improve the reporting form that will be used for years 3, 4 and 5 reporting periods.


Clarification Issues Pertaining to the Current CAR Instrument

Section I: General System Issues

Q1. Will all States be required to use the web-based reporting system and what is the deadline for reporting?
A1. No. States are not required to use the web-based reporting system. However, all States are strongly encouraged to use the web-based reporting system. This will facilitate report submission and assure a more accurate transfer of data. The deadline date for reporting is December 31, 2001.

Q2.Will extensions be granted for the year 2 reporting period?
A2.We do not anticipate the granting of extensions to the reporting requirement. One consequence for a State that misses the deadline submission will be an incomplete State Profile in the Report to Congress submitted by our office. Also, it will affect their eligibility for an incentive grant.

Q3.Will States be able to upload the data from an Excel form?
A3.We are currently working with the contractor to implement this functionality, and we expect to have this accessibility by the year 3 reporting period or sooner.

Section II: Specific Content Issues

Q1.What are the procedures for States wanting to report three major populations (Secondary, Postsecondary and Adult) categories?
A1.Those States wanting to report three major populations - secondary, postsecondary, and another category such as technical schools or adult education centers should report in the following manner:

  • Secondary data must be reported in the section entitled "Secondary" on each Core and Sub Indicator form
  • Postsecondary data must be reported in the section entitled "Postsecondary" on each Core and Sub Indicator form
  • Adult (e.g. Tech Centers, Adult Evening School) data may be reported in the section entitled "Postsecondary" on the "Additional Measures" form. When such forms are used the States should include the word "Adult" in the heading

Q2.What are the procedures for States wanting to report additional measures other than populations?
A2.Those States wanting to report additional measures such as English and Math must report in the following manner:

  • Additional measures data must be reported on the form entitled "Additional Measures." When such forms are used the State must include the name of the measure in the heading.

Q3.Is there a place to put "Unknown Gender?
A3.No. There are no provisions for reporting unknown gender in the CAR. We will attempt to address this issue in the year 3 reporting period.

Q4.Can a State count a student in more than one cluster on the Basic Grant and Tech Prep Student Enrollment forms?
A4.Yes. Clusters may be duplicated counts. However, the Totals are actual unduplicated counts.

Q5.How should States complete the forms when data is unavailable?
A5.In instances where the State attempted to collect data by the required categories, but was unable to collect the appropriate data, the response "NP" (Not Provided) should be indicated in the cell to show that the State attempted to obtain but was unable to collect the data--this includes ethnic data.

Q6. If a state chooses not to use the web-based data collection system to submit CAR data, how can it be submitted?
A6.States should submit their CAR's electronically to: OVAE.CAR@ed.gov and cc: a copy to their state liaison.

Q7. Should a State submit a paper CAR?
A7.Yes. States should submit a paper CAR, including a signed coversheet, to:

U.S. Department of Education
Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Division of Vocational-Technical Education
Attn: (Your State Liaison)
Room 4315
Washington, D.C. 20202-7241

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Last Modified: 09/25/2006