Montana/Dakotas News Release
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Date:  May 12, 2008
Contact:  Marilyn Krause  (406) 533-7617  

BLM to Analyze East Bench, East Pioneers, 
and Rochester Basin This Summer
The Dillon Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management plans to analyze the existing resource conditions on public lands administered by the BLM within the East Bench, East Pioneers, and Rochester Basin Watershed areas this summer. The Rochester Basin Watershed area also includes public land along the west and north sides of the Tobacco Roots Mountains. The five standards for rangeland health will be reviewed on an allotment by allotment basis to determine whether or not the standards are being met. 

Standards include: maintaining properly functioning upland and riparian areas, assuring that water quality and air quality meet State standards, and providing for biodiversity. Forest health, fuels conditions and conifer encroachment issues are also included within the land health standards. Where standards for land health are not met, contributing factors will be identified and recommendations for corrective action will be developed and presented by the interdisciplinary team. 

National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) documents will be prepared next winter to analyze alternatives for revised management where resource concerns are found within these watersheds. The assessments, determinations and any necessary NEPA documents will be completed by resource specialists from the Dillon Field Office in coordination with permittees/lessees, other agencies and the interested public. 

If you would like to know more about this process or have information or data that may be helpful to BLM, please call (406) 683-8000 or email to MT_Dillon_FO@blm.gov.  The BLM looks forward to your interest and input on the Rochester Basin, East Bench and East Pioneers Watershed Assessments.





Last updated: 05-12-2008