Evaluation Estimates

1990 Based July 1, 2000 Estimates Used for Estimates Evaluation

This set of national, state, county, and subcounty population estimates were prepared as an evaluation set of 1990 based population estimates. These estimates were prepared using the methodology in place in the late 1990s, with the April 1, 1990 Census as the base, and the latest input data available in early 2000. The results of these 1990 based estimates for 2000 compared to the Census 2000 enumerated population provide the basis for evaluating the population estimates prepared by the Population Estimates and Projections Program during the 1990s.

A discussion of the results of the evaluation for subcounty areas can be found in Population Division Working Paper No. 70, "Evaluation of 2000 Subcounty Population Estimates," by Greg Harper, Chuck Coleman and Jason Devine, issued in May 2003. Results of additional analysis for states and counties will appear in a forthcoming Population Division Working Paper.

National, Regional, and State Data Tables

State Population Estimates and Demographic Components of Population Change: Annual Time Series, April 1, 1990 Census to July 1, 2000 Estimate * (.txt 87k)

State Population Estimates and Demographic Components of Population Change: April 1, 1990 Census to April 1, 2000 Estimate * (.txt 9.9k)

County Data Tables

County Population Estimates and Demographic Components of Population Change: Annual Time Series, April 1, 1990 Census to July 1, 2000 Estimate *

County Population Estimates for April 1, 2000 and Demographic Components of Population Change: April 1, 1990 Census to April 1, 2000 Estimate *

Subcounty Data Tables

Population Estimates for States, Counties, Places and Minor Civil Divisions: Annual Time Series, April 1, 1990 Census to July 1, 2000 Estimate

* Total population change includes net federal movement and residual. Net federal movement is the temporary movement of Federally affiliated U.S. citizens. These data consist mostly of movement of the active duty Armed Forces and Armed Forces dependents between the United States and overseas. Also included is the movement of civilian Federal employees and their dependents. The residual results from the application of a national population control to state and county population estimates. The residual is the difference in state and county population before and after the application of the control. The residual is not a demographic component of population change.