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Interior Certification Marks:
SmartWay Tractors and Trailers

Information for Equipment Manufacturers

What are US EPA certified SmartWay tractors and trailers?

They are long-haul truck components with significantly lower emissions and fuel consumption. EPA and leaders in the freight-equipment-manufacturing industry worked together to develop these performance specifications.

When manufacturers equip long-haul tractors and trailers with these specifications, they are designated and labeled as "US EPA Certified SmartWay." The US EPA Certified SmartWay label may be used at point-of-sale and applied to the interior of the tractors and trailers by the equipment manufacturers.

What are the basic specifications for a US EPA Certified SmartWay tractor?

What are the basic specifications for a US EPA Certified SmartWay trailer?

New long-haul van trailers can be ordered, and existing trailers can be upgraded, to qualify as a US EPA Certified SmartWay trailer provided that they are equipped with:

What tires are approved for EPA Certified SmartWay tractors and trailers?

Based upon data provided by tire manufacturers, EPA has determined that the following tire models meet the SmartWay Tractor-Trailer equipment specification. EPA may update this list periodically.

Steer R287, R280
Drive M720, Greatec
Trailer R195, Greatec

Steer HSL
Drive HDL Eco Plus
Trailer HTL

Steer G395 LHS Fuel Max
Drive G305 LHD Fuel Max
Trailer G316 LHT Fuel Max

Steer AL07+
Drive Z35A
Trailer TL01

Steer XZA3, XZA2
Drive XDA Energy, XDA3, X-One XDA
Trailer XTA Energy, XT1, X-One XTA

Steer RY617
Drive 703ZL
Trailer RY587mc2

Tire manufacturers may submit data to EPA to demonstrate that additional tire models meet the performance requirements of the SmartWay Tractor-Trailer equipment specification. Please contact Cheryl L. Bynum, 734-214-4844, bynum.cheryl@epa.gov.

SmartWay Transport is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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