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What You Can Do

What You Can Do

Innovative ports and fleet owners are already taking action and getting recognition for implementing cost-effective diesel emission reduction strategies and technologies. Clean Ports USA partners can:

The Diesel Emissions Quantifier is now available to help port authorities, fleet owners, terminal operators, municipalities, and others estimate cost effectiveness and environmental impact of emission reduction technologies that have been added to vehicles and equipment.

Pacific Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy Announced

The ports of Seattle, Tacoma and Vancouver, Canada have proposed performance goals to reduce particulate matter by 70 percent from ships at berth and 30 percent from cargo handling equipment, according to the recently announced Pacific Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy.

News release: PNW ports join forces to reduce maritime air emissions (PDF, 3 pages, 49K, About PDF files) (May 16, 2007) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Final Draft of the 2006 San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan Released

The San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan is a joint effort by the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to improve air quality in the San Pedro Bay.

For more information, visit Port of Long Beach Air Reports Exit EPA Disclaimer

Collage of pictures of port activities

Follow these links for ways to reduce emissions while improving ports for the following port players:

To learn more about current diesel retrofit projects at ports across the U.S., visit the Case Studies and Grants and Funding pages.

This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
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