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National Clean Diesel Innovative Programs

EPA has created a number of very successful innovative programs, all designed to reduce emissions from the diesel fleet.

In conjunction with state and local governments, public interest groups, and industry partners, EPA has established a goal of reducing emissions from the over 11 million diesel engines in the existing fleet by 2014. Looking at these engines, EPA determined there were general sectors that provided the best opportunity to obtain significant reductions. In addition, school buses were identified as an area where diesel emission control can greatly help a susceptible population.

Each program provides technical and financial assistance to stakeholders interested in reducing their fleet’s emissions effectively and efficiently.

The National Diesel Emissions Reduction Program (DERA) is authorized by Title VII, Subtitle G (Sections 791 to 797) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109-58, signed August 8, 2005 (EPAct 2005). This authorization enables EPA’s National Clean Diesel Campaign to offer awards to eligible organizations and entities on a competitive basis. This funding is used to create clean diesel programs that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions that improve air quality and protect public health.

March 23rd: In accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) procedures for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (40 CFR Part 6), EPA has completed an environmental review of the National Diesel Emissions Reduction Program (DERA): Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (PDF) (2 pp, 2M, March 2009, About PDF Files) and Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PDF) (5 pp, 40K, March 2009, About PDF Files) for this program. There is a 30-day comment period on this Finding.

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