U.S. Geological Survey

Modifications to Isite code to support enhanced logging

Two modules of the source code were changed to output information about search and present requests.

Isite 2.07i
Isite2 (2.08)

The information is output to the standard output device using C++ cout << statements. It is written as XML, using empty elements with a number of attributes.

Here's a DTD fragment describing the XML. Note that there is no enclosing element, so in order to parse the log, you have to prepend and append arbitrary tags to enclose the document.

<!ELEMENT search  EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT query   EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT error   EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT present EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT record  EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST search pid     CDATA #REQUIRED
                 when    CDATA #REQUIRED
                 client  CDATA #REQUIRED
                 address CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ATTLIST query  pid     CDATA #REQUIRED
                 when    CDATA #REQUIRED
                 term    CDATA #REQUIRED
                 field   CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ATTLIST error  pid     CDATA #REQUIRED
                 when    CDATA #REQUIRED
                 client  CDATA #REQUIRED
                 code    CDATA #REQUIRED
                 message CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ATTLIST present pid    CDATA #REQUIRED
                  when   CDATA #REQUIRED
                  client CDATA #REQUIRED
                  type   CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!ATTLIST record pid     CDATA #REQUIRED
                 when    CDATA #REQUIRED
                 client  CDATA #REQUIRED
                 index   CDATA #REQUIRED
                 type    CDATA #REQUIRED
                 size    CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!-- Attributes used:
    pid      Process ID
    when     Date and time (strftime with format "[%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S]")
    client   Client host name
    address  Client IP address
    term     Query term
    field    Field to which query term is applied
    code     Result code for error
    message  Error message text
    index    Index of returned record within result set
    type     Record type (F = full, B = brief, S = summary)
    size     Number of bytes in the record

This page is <http://geo-nsdi.er.usgs.gov/stats/isite.html>
Maintained by Peter Schweitzer
Last updated 22-Apr-2003