Bitterroot Range, Montana
BLM>Programs>Recreation>National Recreation Programs>Travel Management Program>Implementation
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Travel Management Implementation

BLM’s travel management program goal is to implement travel plans via a holistic approach that provides clear direction for access and recreation opportunities, while protecting sensitive areas.  The implementation process of the program includes signs, maps, information and education, maintenance, construction, reconstruction, closures, reclamation, site and area staff supervision, law enforcement, and monitoring.

Implementation of travel and transportation management decisions is important for managing OHV area and route designations.  Through comprehensive travel and transportation plans, BLM Field Offices prioritize actions, resources, and geographic areas for implementation.  Primary implementation goals include effective public education, visitor services, working with partners, enforcement, and monitoring. Monitoring helps determine whether actions and designations should be revised. 
Specific examples of travel management implementation include the following:

Sand Drags at Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area - El Centro Field office - California

  • Publishing and disseminating motor vehicle use maps;
  • Signing;
  • Educating visitors on travel management regulations and designations;
  • Amending existing authorizations to provide for needed motor vehicle access;
  • Enforcing travel management restrictions;
  • Constructing and reconstructing roads, trails, and associated facilities;
  • Maintaining designated roads and trails;
  • Decommissioning unauthorized roads and trails;
  • Rehabilitating environmental damage;
  • Establishing cooperative and volunteer agreements, fee programs, or other resources for sustainable funding; and
  • Monitoring impacts.