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Poverty Dispatch - May 7, 2009

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IRP compiles and distributes Poverty Dispatches, links to Web-based news items dealing with poverty, welfare reform, and related topics twice a week. Each Dispatch lists links to current news in popular print media. Persons wishing to receive Poverty Dispatches by e-mail should send a request to

Today's Topics in the News:

Today's Articles:

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People Living in Poverty - Wisconsin, Maryland, Maine, Virginia

One in seven Wisconsin kids lives in poverty, report says. (WISCONSIN) Read Article
By Ben Poston and Bill Glauber, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. May 4, 2009.

Growing needs: Federal funding shows poverty may be on the rise in Maryland. (MARYLAND) Read Article
By Erika Woodward, Delmarva Daily Times. May 6, 2009.

Poverty in Maine likely to worsen. (MAINE) Read Article
By Walter Griffin, Bangor Daily News. May 5, 2009.

Report says Virginia not doing enough for poor. (VIRGINIA) Read Article
By Holly Prestidge, Richmond Times-Dispatch. May 7, 2009.

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People Living in Poverty - United Kingdom

Nearly 3 million children in poverty in Britain. Read Article
By Harry Wallop, The Telegraph. May 7, 2009.

Child poverty reduction halted by recession. Read Article
By Larry Elliott, The Guardian. May 7, 2009.

More pensioners living in poverty. Read Article
BBC News. May 7, 2009.

Number of 'working poor' jump by 600,000 in 10 years of Labour government. Read Article
The Daily Mail. May 7, 2009.

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Welfare-to-Work Programs

Nothing is safe from budget ax -- even welfare. (OREGON) Read Article
By Michelle Cole, The Oregonian. May 4, 2009.

Welfare-to-work suffers when there’s no work available. (VIRGINIA) Read Article
By Katherine Calos, Richmond Times-Dispatch. May 6, 2009.

Federal dollars help save some Santa Clara County safety net programs. (CALIFORNIA) Read Article
By Karen de Sa, San Jose Mercury News. May 5, 2009.

Welfare cases spike in Washington state because of sour economy. (WASHINGTON) Read Article
By Maureen O'Hagan, Seattle Times. May 5, 2009.

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Report: Child Hunger in the US

Study: Hunger above 20 percent in SC for children under 5. Read Article
By Mary Clare Jalonick (Associated Press), Greenville News. May 7, 2009.

Report: Nearly 25% of Ohio children under 5 on 'brink' of hunger. Read Article
By Catherine Candisky, Columbus Dispatch. May 7, 2009.

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Medicaid Coverage and Funding

New estimates figure that state's Medicaid budget will need another $1 billion, Dewhurst says. (TEXAS) Read Article
By Robert T. Garrett, Dallas Morning News. May 6, 2009.

Medicaid cuts leave hospitals strapped. (UTAH) Read Article
By Robert Gehrke, Salt Lake Tribune. May 1, 2009.

Missouri lawmakers want to expand Medicaid coverage. (MISSOURI) Read Article
By Jason Noble, Kansas City Star. May 4, 2009.

Missouri House rejects health-care expansion. (MISSOURI) Read Article
By Jason Noble, Kansas City Star. May 6, 2009.

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Unemployment Safety Nets in the US and Europe

U.S., Europe are an ocean apart on human toll of joblessness. Read Article
By Marcus Walker and Roger Thurow, Wall Street Journal. May 7, 2009.

In Europe, social safety net softens the slump. Read Article
By Jennifer Carlile, May 7, 2009.

Recession strains safety net for the unemployed. (WISCONSIN) Read Article
By Jason Stein, Wisconsin State Journal. May 5, 2009.

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Report: High School Dropout Rates

'High school dropout crisis' continues in U.S., study says. Read Article May 5, 2009.

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Public Defenders and Legal Aid

In Georgia, lawyers abandoning the poor. (GEORGIA) Read Article
By Bill Rankin, Atlanta Journal-Constitution. May 6, 2009.

Ax hits Legal Aid, often last hope. (ARIZONA) Read Article
By Adam Curtis, Arizona Daily Star. May 4, 2009.

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States and Weatherization Assistance Program

States rethink weatherization program. Read Article
By Christine Vestal, May 5, 2009.

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Child Welfare and Temporary Placement

Mothers in crisis turn to temporary 'parents.' Read Article
By Erik Eckholm, New York Times. May 6, 2009.

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Posted: 6 December, 2004
Last Updated: 7 May, 2009