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Defense Export Controls Conference

 Defence Exprot Control Conference Pic

Announcing the 2nd Conference on New Rules and Regulations, Opportunities & Challenges

Held in Washington, D.C. -June 25-26, 2009
At the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, Alexandria-Historic District
625 First Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

Defense Exports —Revising Controls; Increasing Trade Opportunities

There is a growing debate within the Aerospace and Defense industry about whether the current export control system is too cumbersome, neither fully protecting against unauthorized transfer of sensitive technology nor providing the mechanisms to foster increased defense exports. The Presidential Export Control Directive of January 2008 and the Export Control Reform Act of 2008 are attempts to remedy some of the short-comings. But as many challenges remain, opportunities for defense exports are growing exponentially, with foreign military sales having tripled over the last seven years. This outstanding conference brings together the government and industry experts who are leading the efforts to reform the export control system. Our agenda also is comprised of the leading industry experts who will tackle the key issues associated with developing a successful global export control program. What roles do DOC, Treasury, DOJ, State, and DoD play? DSCA, DTSA, DTCC, NIPO, and other organizations? What are the issues associated with end-use, jurisdiction, deemed exports, and dual use? What are the special challenges associated with control of C4I, WMD, nuclear, IT, space and other sensitive technologies? How are these controls being enforced? What are the penalties for failure to comply? These and many other critical issues will be examined during this important two day event.

27 Experts from: DOC, Treasury, DOJ, DTSA,
NASA, GAO, NRC, NNSA, BAE, Northrop Grumman,
JP Morgan, Commonwealth, Renaissance SA, Hogan &
Hartson, Baker & McKenzie, Berliner Corcoran & Rowe,
CSIS, and MK Technology will examine…

  • The Most Up-to-the-Minute Revisions, Rulings and Reforms in Export Control, ITAR, and EAR
  • Special Issues: Deemed Exports, Jurisdiction,End-Use Verification, Dual-Use, Licensing, etc.
  • Developing a Global Export and Technology Transfer Control & Compliance Program
  • Technology Security and Nonproliferation — Nuclear, C4I,WMD, Space ITAR and more…

For more information please click here to download the Conference Agenda and
click here to download the Registration Form.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this event, please feel free to contact Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center Director George Tastard, who's contact information is listed below.

US Commercial Service
George Tastard, Director
Sacramento US Export Assistance Center
US Commercial Service
US Department of Commerce
1410 Ethan Way
Sacramento CA  95825
Tel: 916-566-7170
Fax: 916-566-7123