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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service
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Photo of USDA Shuttle

The USDA Shuttle (free of charge)

Beltsville Circut

Runs between..

  • Greenbelt Metro Station
  • George Washington Carver Center (USDA offices) on Sunnyside Road
  • National Agricultural Library
  • Beltsville Agricultural Research Center at Bldg. 003


  • from the bus lane at the station
  • every 20 minutes from 6:00 AM to 9:40 AM
  • every hour from 9:40 AM to 3:40 PM
  • every 20 minutes from 3:40 PM to 6:00 PM
  • Shuttle schedule
Carver Center to South Building Circut
USDA Shuttle Bus Express Service
G.W. Carver Center to South Building

The shuttle is wheelchair accessible Wheelchair

Last Modified: 10/31/2007
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