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Search Results: graduates
The search returned 278 matches:
Keyword: graduates
Figure/Table TitleTopic AreaSourceYear
1. Percentage distribution of public high school graduates who had various patterns of occupational coursetaking, by number of occupational areas in which graduates earned credits: 2005
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2005
2. Percentage of public high school graduates who concentrated in each occupational area, by number of occupational credits earned: 2005
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2005
3. Percentage of 1992 public high school graduates who enrolled in postsecondary education within 12 months of graduating from high school, average number of months until graduates enrolled, and percentage of graduates who enrolled by 2000, by occupational credits earned in high school
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2002
4. Percentage of public high school graduates who earned any credits in each occupational area and among those graduates, average number of credits earned and percentage who concentrated in each area: 2005
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2005
5. Table SH41. Standard errors for table H41: Percentage of 1992 public high school graduates who enrolled in postsecondary education within 12 months of graduating from high school, percentage of graduates who enrolled by 2000, and average number of months until graduates enrolled, by occupational credits earned i
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 1992
6. Standard errors for the percentage distribution of public high school graduates who had various patterns of occupational coursetaking, by number of occupational areas in which graduates earned credits: 2005
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2005
7. Table 2. Public school number of graduates and Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate, by race/ethnicity and state or jurisdiction: School year 2005–06
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Elementary/Secondary 2006
8. High school graduates, by sex and control of school: Selected years, 1869-70 through 2007-08
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Elementary/Secondary Digest of Education Statistics 2008
9. Percentage of public high school graduates concentrating in business who earned credits in each other occupational area and the average number of credits they earned in the other area: 2005
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2005
10. Percentage of public high school graduates concentrating in marketing who earned credits in each other occupational area and the average number of credits they earned in the other area: 2005
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Elementary/Secondary Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2005
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