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Search Results: completed
The search returned 197 matches:
Keyword: completed
Figure/Table TitleTopic AreaSourceYear
1. Percentage of high school graduates who completed advanced academic coursework, by school subject and race/ethnicity: 2000
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives 2000
2. Percentage of high school graduates who completed advanced academic courses, by school subject and race/ethnicity: 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2008 2004
3. Percentage of high school graduates who completed advanced English coursework, by highest level completed and race/ethnicity: 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2004
4. Percentage of high school graduates who completed year three or higher of a foreign language, by highest level completed and race/ethnicity: 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2004
5. Percentage of high school graduates who completed advanced mathematics coursework, by highest level completed and race/ethnicity: 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2004
6. Percentage of high school graduates who completed advanced science coursework, by highest level completed and race/ethnicity: 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2004
7. Percentage of high school graduates who completed advanced English coursework, by highest level completed and race/ethnicity: 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2004
8. Percentage of high school graduates who completed year three or higher of a foreign language, by highest level completed and race/ethnicity: 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2004
9. Percentage distribution of high school graduates, by highest level of English courses completed and race/ethnicity: 1998, 2000, and 2004
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2004
10. Percentage of public high school graduates who had completed the core academic track, by race/ethnicity: Various years, 1982 to 2000
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives 2000
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