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Spanish IMADE and Spineq Delegation, September 3-4, 2008


Spanish IMADE and Spineq Delegation – September 3 - 4, 2008

In support of the development of California infrastructure, Director George Tastard and the staff at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center accepted the invitation requested by Mr. Carlos Perezminguez, Madrid U.S. Commercial Service, to create an itinerary for a five-person delegation to meet with logistic, infrastructure, and transportation organizations, both public and private.  Transportation logistics in California is a paramount issue and is essential for the economic and environmental future of California, and the state is interested in hearing and learning about the Spanish perspective for alternative forms of project financing.  Director George Tastard welcomed and accompanied the delegation for the two days of meetings.

The Madrid Institute for Development (IMADE) and Spineq visited the Greater Sacramento Area on September 3rd and 4th with interests in meeting with the California High-Speed Railway Authority, California Senate Transportation Committee, and CalTrans, etc..  IMADE is a non-profit economic development agency serving the Madrid Region in Spain, and Spineq is a private infrastructure development company that realized the current high-speed railroad in Spain.  The five-person delegation consisted of Mr. José Carlos Cano Montijano, International Relations Director, Madrid Region Parks and Clusters Network; Mr. Juan Ramón García Notario, Secretary, IMADE Administration Council; Mr. Antonio López Corral, President and CEO, Spineq; Mr. Benigno Blanco Rodríguez, Secretary of Council, Spineq, and was Secretary of State under the José Maía Aznar López Administration; Mr. Norman Anderson, President and CEO, CG/LA Infrastructure.

On Wednesday, September 3, 2008, the Spanish delegation started the Sacramento leg of their California visit with a meeting with BTH/CalTrans. In attendance were Mr. John Hummer, Deputy Secretary of Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency; Mr. Michael Miles, Deputy Director for Maintenance and Operations, Caltrans; Mr. Lawrence Orcutt, Division Chief for Research and Innovation, CalTrans; Mr.Robert Copp, Division Chief for  Traffic Operation, CalTrans; and Mr. Greg Larson, Office Chief, State of California Department of Transportation.

On Thursday, September 4, 2008, the day started with a meeting in the morning with the State of California Senate Transportation Committee and a member of the California Senate.   The meeting was coordinated by Ms. Shannon Shellenberg, Deputy Director, California Senate Offices of International Relations and attended by California State Senator Alan Lowenthal, 27th District; Mr. Arthur Bauer, Staff Director, California State Senate Transportation and Housing Committee; and Mr. Benjamin Sarem, Special Assistant, BTH.  

Spanish IMADE Delegation

During the meetings with BTH/ CalTrans and the State of California Senate Transportation Committee, California showed great interest in learning how to implement public private partnership (PPP) financed projects, concessions, and consortiums.  Currently, the challenge is the resistance from state public employee unions. 

The day continued with a meeting with Mr. Mike Luken, Port Manager of the Port of Sacramento.  Topics discussed at the meeting included past challenges and current development, and how the Port of Sacramento is now creating positive revenue streams.  Current opportunities were reviewed of infrastructure development.  Presently, approximately 250 acres if marine and industrial developable land is available at the Port of Sacramento.

The final visit was with the California High-Speed Railway Authority.  The meeting was held in their office and was attended by Mr. Dan Leavitt, Deputy Director and Mr. Steve Schnaidt, Communications Consultant.  The California High-Speed Railway Authority has been in existence for ten years and at the meeting the challenges they have faced during this time were discussed.  In November 2008, the California High-Speed Rail Bond Measure will be on the ballot for voters to approve or decline.  At stake are billions in bond funds for the train that is proposed to connect all major cities in California between San Francisco and San Diego. 

The Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center is happy to report that these two days of infrastructure meetings were a great success with all parties interested in future comm