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Search Results: degree-granting
The search returned 465 matches:
Keyword: degree-granting
Figure/Table TitleTopic AreaSourceYear
1. Employees in degree-granting institutions, by employment status, sex, control and type of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 2005
(View Table/Figure)
Postsecondary Digest of Education Statistics 2005
2. Percentage of total public and private degree-granting institution enrollment that is male, percentage that is female, and difference between male and female percentages, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1976 to 2002
(View Table/Figure)
Postsecondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives 2002
3. Mean absolute percentage errors (MAPEs) by lead time for selected statistics in all public elementary and secondary schools and degree-granting institutions: 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Projections of Education Statistics to 2016 2006
4. Percentage distribution of students enrolled in public and private degree-granting institutions, by type of institution and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1976 through 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2008 2006
5. American Indian/Alaska Native enrollment (in thousands) in public and private degree-granting institutions, by type of institution and sex: Selected years, 1976 through 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2008 2006
6. Number and percentage distribution of degrees conferred by degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and type of degree: 2002-03
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Postsecondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives 2003
7. Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity and academic rank: 2001
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Postsecondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives
8. Percentage of total public and private degree-granting institution enrollment that is male, percentage that is female, and difference between male and female percentages, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1976 through 2006
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Elementary/Secondary Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives: 2008 2006
9. Actual and projected numbers for enrollment in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions as a percent of total enrollment, by sex, attendance status, level enrolled, and type of institution: Fall 2006, and 2007 through 2017
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Elementary/Secondary Projections of Education Statistics to 2017 2006
10. Actual and projected numbers for graduate enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions as a percent of total postbaccalaureate enrollment, by sex, attendance status, and control of institution: Fall 2006, and 2007 through 2017
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Elementary/Secondary Projections of Education Statistics to 2017 2006
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