Policy Guidance
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Notice on Civil Rights Obligations Applicable to the Distribution of Funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Mar 16, 2009)
Federal agencies will shortly begin distributing funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). They must do so in accordance with all nondiscrimination and equal opportunity statutes, regulations, and Executive Orders that apply to the distribution of funds under the Recovery Act.
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Additional Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy: Three-Part Test -- Part Three (Jan 11, 2006)
Additional Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy: Three-Part Test -- Part Three (March 18, 2005). Dear Colleague letter from Delegated the Authority of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights James F. Manning.
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Title IX -- Data Collection Technical Manual User's Guide (PDF) (Jan 10, 2006)
Title IX Data Collection Technical Manual for Developing the User's Guide. (PDF)
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Title IX -- Dear Colleague letter, Additional Clarafication, and User's Guide (PDF) (Jan 10, 2006)
OCR Dear Colleague Letter from James F. Manning with Additional Clarification. (PDF)
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Questions and Answers on Disability Discrimination under Section 504 and Title II (Mar 08, 2005)
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Disability Discrimination Under Section 504 and Title II.
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Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance -- Women's Educational Equity (Oct 04, 2004)
This page lists statutes, regulations, legislation, policy guidance, and flexibility provisions for the Women's Educational Equity program.
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DHEW Memo Regarding Language Minority Children (Nov 04, 2003)
This May 25, 1970 Memorandum establishes policy on issues concerning the responsibility of school districts to provide equal educational opportunity to national origin minority group children deficient in English language skills.
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OCR Policy Regarding the Treatment of National Origin Minority Students Who Are Limited English Proficient (Nov 04, 2003)
This December 3, 1985 policy memorandum, reissued April 6, 1990, provides a description of the procedures followed by OCR in making determinations of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as regards the treatment of national origin minority students with limited-English proficiency (language minority students) enrolled in educational programs that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.
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Policy Update on Schools' Obligations Toward National Origin Minority Students With Limited-English Proficiency (LEP students) (Nov 04, 2003)
This September 27, 1991 policy update is primarily designed for use in conducting compliance reviews designed to determine whether schools are complying with their obligation under the regulation implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to provide any alternative language programs necessary to ensure that LEP students have meaningful access to the schools' programs.
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Developing ELL Programs: Monitoring Chart (Sep 12, 2003)
Resource Materials for Planning and Self-Assessments, ELL monitoring charts.
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