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Search Results: (1-2 of 2 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2005111REV Rates of Computer and Internet Use by Children in Nursery School and Students in Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade: 2003
This Issue Brief describes the percentage of students in grades 12 or below who used computers or the Internet in 2003. The Brief highlights the fact that computer and Internet use is commonplace and begins early. Even before kindergarten, a majority of children in nursery school use computers and, and 23 percent use the Internet.
NCES 2003381 Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security
Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security is a publication of the National Center For Education Statistics' National Forum on Education Statistics. This publication provides recommendations for development, maintenance, and standardization for effective web sites.
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