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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NFES 2009804 Every School Day Counts. The Forum Guide to Collecting and Using Attendance Data
This Forum guide offers best practice suggestions on collecting and using student attendance data to improve performance. It includes a standard set of codes to make attendance data comparable across districts and states. There are real-life examples of how attendance information has been used by school districts.
NCES 2005372 Handbooks Online - Version 5.0
Handbooks Online - Version 5.0 is a searchable web tool that provides access to the NCES Data Handbooks for elementary, secondary, and early childhood education. These Handbooks offer guidance on consistency in data definitions and in maintaining data so that they can be accurately aggregated and analyzed. The updated database includes data elements for students, staff, and education institutions; added data elements for food service; and a link to the current NCES Accounting Handbook.
NFES 2007801 Forum Guide to Core Finance Data Elements
This document provides an overview of key finance data terms. It also covers the 2 NCES public school finance surveys: the state-level National Public Education Financial Survey and the School District Finance Survey (or F-33). Differences and similarities between the two surveys are described. Chapter 3 contains definitions for key finance data elements. Chapter 4 contains a listing and defininitons of key finance indicators and economic adjustment indexes.
NCES 2007341 Secondary School Course Classification System: School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED)
This NCES data handbook provides taxonomy for assigning standard codes to secondary school courses in 22 major subject areas. It also includes a content description for each course, and instructions on how to use the taxonomy in coding courses.
NCES 2006803 Forum Guide to Elementary/Secondary Virtual Education
This guide provides recommendations for collecting accurate, comparable, and useful data about virtual education in an elementary/secondary education setting.
NCES 2005454 The Nation's Report Card: An Introduction to The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
The Nation's Report Card: An Introduction to The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) explains the major features of NAEP in a non-technical manner. It highlights the history and development of NAEP, how the data are collected, scored, and analyzed, and how the results are reported. This introductory guide to NAEP is designed to meet the information needs of teachers, parents, and other members of the general public about the nation's premier assessment of what America's elementary and secondary students know and can do.
NFES 2005801 Forum Guide to Building a Culture of Quality Data: A School & District Resource
Quality data, like quality students, come from schools. Recently, there has been a growing awareness that effective teaching, efficient schools, and quality data are related. The quality of information used to develop an instructional plan, run a school, plan a budget, or place a student in a class depends upon the school data clerk, teacher, counselor, and/or school secretary who enter data into a computer. This document offers recommendations to staff in schools and school districts about best practices for data entry — getting things right at the source.
NCES 2004330 Forum Guide to Protecting the Privacy of Student Information
The Forum Guide to Protecting the Privacy of Student Information gives a general overview of privacy laws and professional practices that apply to the information collected for, and kept in, student records. The book is not intended to give an authoritative interpretation of any law or policy Instead, it provides background on the key principles and concepts in student privacy, summarizes Federal privacy laws and any recent changes to them, and suggests good data management practices for schools, districts, and state education agencies.
NCES 2004318 Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems: 2003 Edition
This NCES handbook has been designed as the national standard for state departments of education to use in reporting financial data and for school districts to use in preparing their comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) that are submitted to their respective state departments of education. The purpose of the handbook is to ensure that education fiscal data can be reported in a comprehensive manner. The 2003 Edition contains guidance conforming to Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statements, up to Statement 39. There are chapters on budgeting, governmental accounting and financial reporting. Account codes have been updated to reflect changes in the new reporting requirements and developments in technology and security. There are also special chapters on accounting student activity funds and a model for school level program cost accounting.
NCES 2003419 NCES Nonfiscal Data Handbook for Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education
The NCES Nonfiscal Data Handbook was developed to provide guidance concerning the consistent maintenance of student, staff, and education institution information. This handbook defines data elements and definitions describing students, staff, schools, LEAs, IEUs, and SEAs in early childhood, elementary, and secondary education. This handbook contains no data.
NCES 2003603 NCES Handbook of Survey Methods
This publication presents explanations of how each survey program in NCES obtains and prepares the data it publishes. The Handbook aims to provide users of NCES data with the information necessary to evaluate the suitability of the statistics for their needs, with a focus on the methodologies for survey design, data collection, and data processing.
NCES 2003313 Technology in Schools. Suggestions, Tools and Guidelines for Assessing Technology in Elementary and Secondary Education
This guide was written by the National Forum on Education Statistics under NCES's Cooperative Education Statistics System. Directed toward state and local education agencies, it describes how to measure technology use by examining planning and policies; finance; equipment and infrastructure; technology applications; maintenance and support; professional development; and technology integration.
NCES 2000343REV Student Data Handbook for Elementary, Secondary, and Early Childhood Education: 2001 Update
The Student Data Handbook was developed to provide guidance concerning the consistent maintenance of student information. This handbook defines data elements and definitions describing personal information, enrollment, school participation and activities, out of school experience, assessment, transportation, health, special program participation and discipline for pupils in early childhood, elementary, and secondary education. This handbook contains no data. This includes the orginal 2000 Handbook and the 2001 Update.
NCES 2001038 Programs and Plans of the National Center for Education Statistics, 2001 Edition
This publication summarizes NCES's current statistical programs and its major publications and plans for future work. In this publication are descriptions, timelines and plans for all of the NCES data collections such as the Common Core of Data, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Also described in this report are descriptions of NCES center-wide programs and services such as training, technology and customer service.
NCES 2001305 Staff Data Handbook for Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education: 2001 Edition
The Staff Data Handbook was developed to provide guidance concerning the consistent maintenance of staff information. This handbook defines data elements and definitions describing personal information, educational experiences, qualification information, current employment, assignment, evaluation and career development, and separation from employment. This handbook contains no data.
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