Engineering for Life!

Biological Systems Engineering

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Our Work

We are dedicated to discovering and applying engineering principles and methods to the processes of our natural world and to the advanced graduate education of engineering professionals. From solar drying and pasteurization research in the 1970's to today's emphasis on biological waste analysis and treatment, chemical transport through soils, food engineering, bioenergy, bioproducts, and more, our department has had a long history of technical environmental stewardship, research and education. While recognizing that clean air, land and water are the ultimate goals, we have worked on answering the difficult details of what constitutes clean air, land, and water and what solutions are technically and economically possible.

Our People

The researchers and graduate students of this department come from all corners of the United States and the world. Because of this diversity, our students leave here with the global awareness, the advanced education and the technical expertise to become the key players in the economic, technical, and environmental challenges that face us all.

These are exciting and challenging times for engineering professionals. These can be exciting and challenging times for you.

Come and join us!

Proud member of the following colleges:
Engineering and Architecture
Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Science


Profiles, News & Awards

Profiles, News & Awards

Profiles, News & Awards


NEWS LETTER News Letter PDF format

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Additional Information Goes Here.

Biological Systems Engineering , PO Box 646120, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6120, 509-335-1578, Contact Us