Chicago Ecological Services Office
Midwest Region


History & Highlights

Endangered Species  

Federal Projects & Permits

Habitat Restoration

Education & Outreach

Environmental Contaminants

Watersheds/Special Partnerships

Pre-construction & Cell Tower Consultation


Staff Contacts

Jobs with USFWS

Contact Us

Chicago Illinois Field Office
1250 South Grove, Suite 103
Barrington, Illinois 60010
Phone: 847/381-2253
FAX: 847/381-2285


Image - A student intern of the Chicago Illinois Field Office hand pollinates a federally threatened eastern prairie fringed orchid.We are frequently contacted by people interested in employment opportunities with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 

The Service maintains an automated employment and referral system, called CARES (Conservation Applicant Referral Evaluation System).  CARES electronically prescreens candidates and ranks them according to specified criteria. 

CARES will let you search for available jobs in the Service; create, edit, archive your electronic resume; and apply for some specific jobs online.

CARES also provides you with an opportunity to establish criteria to identify the type(s) of jobs you are interested in, and will then notify you with an email message when that kind of position is open. 

Another way to check for openings for permanent Federal Employment, including opportunities in the Chicago Illinois Field Office, is to frequently visit the USAJOBS web site maintained by the Office of Personnel Management. Follow the sites links to "Professional Employment." There are various ways to search for specific types of positions from this point.   

We also employ a limited number of student interns, depending on our funding and workload. For additional information on the STEP and SCEP student intern programs, please contact the office (847/381-2253).

Last updated: July 8, 2008