Fourth Quarter 2007 OSEP Policy Documents on the Education of Infants, Toddlers, Children, and Youth with Disabilities

CY2007 — Fourth Quarter Federal Register Notice:

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services List of Correspondence from October 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007.
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November 28, 2007 to individual (personally identifiable information redacted).
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Child With a Disability
SECTION OF IDEA: Part A - General Provisions; Section 602 - Definitions
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December 21, 2007 to Texas Education Agency General Counsel David Anderson, Esq.
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities; Section 612 - State Eligibility
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November 30, 2007 to Chapman Management Group member Tom Trigg.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Least Restrictive Environment
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities; Section 612 - State Eligibility
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December 20, 2007 to Indiana Department of Education Medicaid Liaison John Hill.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Methods of Ensuring Services
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities; Section 612 - State Eligibility
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November 7, 2007 to Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center Director Dr. John Copenhaver.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Personnel Qualifications
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities; Section 612 - State Eligibility
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October 22, 2007 to U.S. Senator James M. Inhofe.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Prohibition on Mandatory Medication
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities; Section 612 - State Eligibility
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October 19, 2007 to Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center Director Dr. John Copenhaver.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Evaluations, Parental Consent, and Reevaluations
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities Section 614 - Evaluations, Eligibility Determinations, Individualized Education Programs, and Educational Placements
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October 19, 2007 to Bowling Green State University Special Needs Assistant Brigitte Green-Churchwell.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Evaluations, Parental Consent, and Reevaluations
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities Section 614 - Evaluations, Eligibility Determinations, Individualized Education Programs, and Educational Placements
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December 21, 2007 to California Attorney Nancy J. LoDolce.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: TOPIC ADDRESSED: Procedural Safeguards Notice
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities Section 615 - Procedural Safeguards
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November 30, 2007 to Texas Education Agency Special Programs Director Kathy Clayton.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Procedural Safeguards Notice
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities Section 615 - Procedural Safeguards
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November 14, 2007 to Virginia Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Student Services H. Douglas Cox.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Procedural Safeguards Notice
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities Section 615 - Procedural Safeguards
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October 25, 2007 to Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities Education Team Manager Robert Jacobs.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Educational Placements
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Impartial Due Process Hearing
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities Section 615 - Procedural Safeguards
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December 12, 2007 to Connecticut Attorney David Shaw.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Impartial Due Process Hearing
SECTION OF IDEA: Part B - Assistance for Education of All Children With Disabilities Section 615 - Procedural Safeguards
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November 28, 2007 to Connecticut Attorney Lawrence W. Berliner.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Complaint Resolution
SECTION OF IDEA: Part C - Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Section 635 - Requirements for a Statewide System
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December 26, 2007 to Dear Colleague.
TOPIC ADDRESSED: Educational Placements
SECTION OF IDEA: Other Letters That Do Not Interpret the IDEA But May Be of Interest to Readers
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Last Modified: 03/27/2008