U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Historic Preservation
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Collections recovered from the Steamboat Bertrand on display, DoSoto National Wildlife Refuge. Animated graphic that says - Learn, discover, protect


Museum collections held by USFWS consists primarily of archaeological objects and their associated records, but also includes natural history specimens, historic objects, documents, art, photographs, and ethnographic items. USFWS has an estimated 5.6 million museum items and documents.

FY 2007: Museum Collection Department-wide Summary *
Number of FWS Units Holding Museum Property: 169
Number of Other Institutions Holding Museum Property: 217
Number of Collections reported to Financial Management: 2195
DisciplineNumber of Objects in
FWS Bureau Facilities
Number of Objects
in Other Institutions
Total Number of FWS
Bureau Objects
Archeology 395,168 2,652,928 3,048,096
Art 678 37 715
Ethnography 62 1 63
History 40,677 134 40,811
Documents 980,273 1,313,609 2,293,882
Botany 11,932 6,000 17,932
Zoology 184,886 1,329 186,215
Paleontology 474 13,284 13,758
Geology 0 0 0
Environmental Samples 15 202 217
Total Number of Objects 1,614,165 3,987,524 5,601,689
* This format is prescribed by 411 DM 2.3B(8).
Data in the other museum charts must be consistent with the data presented in this chart.

The Museum Property program is a subset of the larger USFWS Cultural Resources Management Program. The objectives of the Museum Property program are to identify, preserve, and interpret museum objects that are stored or on display at twenty USFWS and non-USFWS facilities.

You may contact Mr. Eugene Marino, USFWS National Museum Property Coordinator, 703-358-2173 for more information about the USFWS Museum Property program.

A fact sheet (122 KB PDF) for the program is also available with additional information.


Last Updated: July 31, 2007

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