
Past Lectures

Rachel Carson Lecture
Dr. Patricia Zaradic
Videophilia and Our Changing Relationship with Nature
Saturday April 18, 2009 at 2:00 pm

Rachel Carson Lecture - Dr. Patricia Zaradic
Videophilia and Our Changing Relationship with Nature - Saturday  April 18, 2009  at 2:0o pm - U.S. Department of the Interior – Interior Museum (Main Interior Building) 1849 C street, NW Washington DC 20240 - For more information call (202) 208-4743 – www.doi.gov/interiormuseum - Since the pate 1980s, after years of steady increase, participation in nature-based activities has waned by as much as 25%, leading to serious implications for biodiversity and conservation. Dr. Zaradic will discuss her videophilia research, possible outreach strategies, and field questions following the lecture.

Since the late 1980s, after years of steady increase, participation in nature-based activities has waned by as much as 25%, leading to serious implications for biodiversity and conservation. Dr. Zaradic will discuss her videophilia research, possible outreach strategies, and field questions following the lecture.

This free program is open to the public and also available for credit for DOI employees through the DOI Learning Managerment System. Please register for this course at https://doilearn.doi.gov in order to receive credit.

Special Assistance - For those in need of special assistance (such as an interpreter for the hearing impaired) or inquiries regarding the handicapped entrance, please notify museum staff at (202) 208- 4743 in advance of the event. Special needs will be accommodated whenever possible. moreMore

Friday December 12/13

Innovators In SOUTHWEST AMERICAN Indian Jewelry Show.Dexter Cirillo author of the newly released Southwestern Indian Jewelry: Crafting New Traditions will give a presentation discussing her research and findings from interviews with over 80 artists, shedding light on the cultural traditions behind the craft and designs of their jewelry. The artists represent the “new” generation of jewelers who have emerged within the last twenty-five years, with originality of design, innovative technique and use of materials. moreMore

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December 3, 2008

American Wildlife Art by Dr. David J. Wagner Dr. Wagner, curator of the exhibit Endangered Species: Flora and Fauna in Peril and author of the book American Wildlife Art, will talk about the history of the wildlife art genre as a product of four centuries of cultural, aesthetic, and ideological developments. Wednesday, December 3, 2008 10:00 am at the Museum Classroom. moreMore

Dr. David J. Wagner, Ph.D. A leading Wildlife Art Scholar, Curator, and Author, presenting a Talk on the History of the Wildlife Art Genre - American Wildlife Art by Dr. David J. Wagner Dr. Wagner, curator of the exhibit Endangered Species: Flora and Fauna in Peril and author of the book American Wildlife Art, will talk about the history of the wildlife art genre as a product of four centuries of cultural, aesthetic, and ideological developments. Wednesday, December 3, 2008 10:00 am at the Museum Classroom. For more information call (202) 208-4743 • www.doi.gov/interiormuseum • Main Interior Building 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240

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November 15, 2008

The National Park Service photographers introduce the many viewpoints that surround architectural documentation and present an overview of the various techniques and approaches of HABS photographers over the years. moreMore

Jack Boucher and Jamnes Rosenthal, National Park Service photographers • A presentation on the techniques and history of architectural photography • The National Park Service photographers introduce the many viewpoints that surround architectural documentation and present an overview of the various techniques and approaches of HABS photographers over the years. This talk is in conjunction with the exhibit AMERICAN PLACE: The Historic American Buildings Survey ant Seventy-five Years • Wednesday, November 15, 2008, 2:00 pm - Museum Classroom • Main Interior Building • 1849 C Street NW • Washington, DC 20240

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November 5, 2008

Dr Karen Mudar, Archeologist, National Park Service, talks about the archeology of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, a U.S. World Heritage Site. moreMore

Dr Karen Mudar, Archeologist, National Park Service, talks about the archeology of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, a U.S. World Heritage Site • Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 10:00 am - Museum Classroom • Main Interior Building • 1849 C Street NW • Washington, DC 20240

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October 18, 2008

Smokejumpers, Groundpounders and Shots —
Tales from Wildland Fire

Smokejumpers, Groundpounders and Shots: Tales from Wildland Fire • Saturday, October 18, 2008, 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm - Yates Auditorium • Main Interior Building • 1849 C Street NW • Washington, DC 20240 • 202-208-4743 • www.doi.gov/interiormuseum
There's a fire on the mountain, who responds?  Fire professionals from the sky and on foot head to the hills.  And, before they go home, many "mop up" the containment area making sure there are no hotspots.  Handling a wildland fire on public lands takes all kinds of people and a concerted effort across governmental agencies.  Come hear first hand experiences from the people on the ground and in the air on Saturday, October 18, 2008, from 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. at the Department of the Interior Auditorium, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC  20240.  moreMore

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September 3, 2008

Judd Patterson, Photographer, in conjunction with A Sea of Tallgrass:  the Konza Prairie exhibit, talks about the Konza Prairie and his photography. moreMore

An Interior Museum Lecture by Judd Patterson, Nature Photographer.  Presenting a talk on his photography of the Konza Prairie in conjuction with the exhibit A See of Tallgrass: The Konza Prairie.  10 a.m. Wed Sep 3, 2008, Museum Classroom

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August 6, 2008

Mary Pfaffko, DC Department of Environment, Fisheries and Wildlife Division, talks about the DC Wildlife Action Plan, a proactive plan to conserve wildlife and habitat. moreMore

An Interior Museum Lecture by Mary Pfaffko, Wildlife Biologist for the fisheries and Wildlife Division of the District of Columbia's Dept of Environment.  Presenting a talk on DC's Wildlife Action Plan, Wed Aug 6, 2008, 10 a.m. Interior Museum Classroom

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  • July 2, 2008
    Steven Minkkinen, Project Leader for the Maryland Fishery Resources Office of the Fish and Wildlife Service, will talk about his work to protect and restore the Potomac River especially his work with the invading Snakehead fish.
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  • June 4, 2008
    Dr. Ann G. Wylie from the University of Maryland will discuss the who, what, where, and why of the mineral asbestos.
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  • May 7, 2008
    Annual DOI Cultural Resources and Events Rachel Carson lecture on the importance of getting children outdoors.  Professor Marcia Eames-Sheavly from Cornell University will speak about ideas and concepts to help educators, parents, childcare providers, and park and garden professionals get kids outside and keep them engaged in the natural world.
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  • April 2, 2008
    Sculptor, Jay Hall Carpenter will talk about his work with Frederick Hart to create the Three Soldier Group, part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
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  • March 5, 2008
    Dr. Brett Wolfe from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will discuss DOI’s efforts to save coral reefs and what individuals can do, even locally, to help protect them.
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  • February 6, 2008
    Marissa Vigneault from Bryn Mawr College will discuss of the murals of the Main Interior Building, in particular the monumental mural: Construction of a Dam by William Gropper.
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  • January 2008 - Mary Byrne from Seeds of Success – an effort to collect native seeds to assist localities with re-seeding after fires and other disasters.
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U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Museum

Last Updated on 04/21/09